Day :
- Sympoisum on Anti-Viral Drug Combination Strategies
Session Introduction
Ting-Chao Chou
PD Science, LLC ,USA
Title: Computerized Simulation of Anti-HIV Drug Synergy in Vitro and in Clinical Trials Using the Chou-Talalay Combination Index Method
Time : 09:00 - 10:00

Ting-Chao Chou (born in Taiwan), received Ph.D. in Pharmacology from Yale University in 1970, and postdoctoral fellowship from Johns Hopkins University. Member of Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) and Professor of Pharmacology at Cornell University Graduate School of Medical Sciences. He is Honorary Professor at Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (1993-) and Visiting Professor at five universities. He was Director of Preclinical Pharmacology Core at MSKCC where he retired on June 1st, 2013. Dr. Chou published 273 articles which has been cited 22,336 times, with h-index: 65. He is inventor/co-inventor of 38 U.S. Patents. Prof. Chou is the Founder of PD Science, LLC., USA.
Drug combination is most widely used in the treatment of the most dreadful diseases such as AIDS and cancer. Quantitative determination of synergism is essential for efficient discovery and development of anti-HIV cocktails. Currently, the most widely used synergy assessment of all time is the combination index (CI) method (Chou TC and Talalay P, Adv. Enz Regul 22:28-55, 1984), one article alone has been cited by 4,357 scientific papers in 850 different bio-medical journals ["Google Scholar Citations - Ting-Chao Chou" ; or Thomson Reuters Web of Science: ""]. This presentation will focus on theoretical basis, experimental design, general equations, simulation algorithms and computerized simulation of synergism and antagonism at different dose and effect levels. Computer software, Compusyn, will be used for automated, quantitative simulation of synergism (CI<1), additive effect (CI=1) and antagonism (CI>1) automatically. The CompuSyn instantly generated the dose-effect curves, the Median-Effect plots, Fa-CI plots, the Fa-DRI plots and their Tables, isobologram for 2-drugs, and the polygonogram for n drugs, within seconds. This software, has been offered for free download upon registration, as a donation to the bio-medical communities and pharmaceutical industries beginning 8/1/2012 upon registration, via www. As of Aug. 20, 2015, there have been 11,085 downloads by bio-scientists from 87 countries or territories.
Mohammad Intakhab Alam
Zirve University,Turkey
Title: New Antiviral Strategies Towards Discrimination of Viral Innate Immune Evasion and Antiviral Drug Resistance
Time : 09:30 - 10:00

Mohammad Intakhab Alam earned his PhD from University of Giessen, Germany in early 2008 and continued postdoctoral studies at the Institute of Medical Virology, University of Zurich Switzerland and University of Bonn, Germany. He is currently Assistant Professor of Medical Microbiology/Virology at EBN-Medical School, Zirve University, Gaziantep, Turkey. He has worked on many human RNA viruses (Influenza, HCV, YFV, HEV and RSV) and has published interesting antiviral research work and has great research interest in therapeutic interventions. He has served editorial board member of a Journal and currently full member of the prestigious American Society for Virology and International Society for Antiviral Research.
RNA viruses have evolved very fast due to high degree of mutation rate in their genome. Due to this high mutation rate and subsequently antiviral resistance developed by viruses, many FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved antiviral drugs are being restricted in clinical settings. Antiviral resistance means that a virus is changed in such a way that the antiviral drug becomes less effective in treating infections caused by that virus. The therapeutic efficacy of current interferon (IFN) against RNA viruses is constantly becoming less effective, even tolerant with great side effects. Many notorious RNA viruses have been shown to escape the host immune defence by blocking the function of retinoic acid-inducible gene-1 (RIG-I) and also IFN-signaling. We have investigated immunostimulatory and antiviral effect of a RIG-I agonist 3p-RNA molecule that potentially produces IFN in Hepatitis C and Yellow Fever virus replicating cells and also enhances IFN-signaling to provide an antiviral state. The antiviral effect of 3p-RNA seems to be superior to recombinant IFN-alpha. Also influenza targeted FDA approved antiviral drugs rimantadine and amantadine have been shown to be ineffective because influenza has developed resistance against it. New antiviral drug strategies are based on understating the molecular mechanism involved in influenza viral infections and viral host factors that supports the virus replication. We have studied that influenza activates and utilize calcium dependent PKC-alpha mediated MAPK signaling-cascade for their efficient replication and using calcium antagonist impairs this virus host essential function leading to strong reduction in influenza replication. Calcium antagonist does not allow influenza to develop resistance against it however Oseltamivir does. This suggests that host essential factors of influenza targeted by calcium antagonist could be an interesting new antiviral strategy.
- General Virology and Basic Science

Sita Awasthi
University of Pennsylvania,USA

Hua Zhu
Rutgers University,USA
Session Introduction
Michael W. Washabaugh
Title: Review of Virus-Like Particle Production, Characterization & Comparability for Contemporary Vaccines
Time : 11:15 - 11:35

Michael W. Washabaugh is acting as a Senior Director at MedImmune.His expertise include Experience includes: product immunogenicity, vaccine & therapeutic protein bioprocess, analytical & formulation development (esp. understanding regulatory expectations for filing for approval & process/facility changes), technology transfer to manufacturing, development & execution of automated in-process monitoring assays to support bioprocess & formulation development, structure-function relationships, surrogate markers & bioanalytical development, characterization of antigen-adjuvant interactions, GLP/GMP assays & clinical assays.
Viral diseases offer a major challenge to vaccine development because of the complex nature of virus structures and the large size of the virus particle needed to generate an effective immune response. Classical approaches to develop antiviral vaccines have required the use of attenuated (or inactivated) live viruses produced in cell culture. Although this approach has been widely successful and is still in practice, not all viruses are amenable to replication in cell culture, particularly at commercial scale. In appropriate expression systems, recombinant viral proteins of modest size (24 kDa) have been produced that self-assemble into icosahedral virus-like particles (VLPs) whose surface is immunochemically comparable to that of the actual virus – this has been a major success story in contemporary vaccines. This talk reviews the scientific challenges in the production and characterization of VLP vaccines, and the data necessary to provide assurance of comparability for manufacturing changes.
Farshad Guirakhoo
GeoVax, Inc,USA
Title: Replication Competent Viral Vectors for Vaccine Development
Time : 11:35 - 11:55

Farshad Guirakhoo, a virologist by training, was named one of the 50 Most Influential People in Vaccines in Vaccine Nation’s 2014 list. His most recent assignment was CTO at Vaxess Technologies. Prior to this, he served as CSO at Hookipa Biotech and Executive Director of External R&D at Sanofi Pasteur. Before joining Sanofi Pasteur in 2007, he was with Acambis for 15 years as Head of Research and co-invented the ChimeriVax-technology platform in association with St. Louis University. This platform has successfully been applied in the development of vaccines such as IMOJEV™, PreVenile™, Dengvaxia™, and WN human vaccine. He has broad experience in the application of gene expression technologies and molecular virology for the construction and production of recombinant proteins, human antibodies, and attenuated viral vectored vaccines for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. He is the author of over 80 peer-reviewed publications and holder of multiple patents.
Viral infections account for 15 million deaths per year, one-third of all mortalities worldwide. The most effective medical approach to combat viral diseases and reduce deaths is vaccinations, which have less adverse side effects than drugs while inducing longer lasting protection from reinfection. Live attenuated, inactivated, or subunit vaccine approaches have been successfully utilized to combat mortalities caused by infectious diseases such as yellow fever, varicella, measles, mumps, rubella, influenza, smallpox, polio, rabies, hepatitis A and B, and human papillomavirus. Viruses themselves have also been used as vectors (either replication competent or replication deficient) for development of vaccines against both infectious and non-infectious diseases. The most important factor in the construction of effective viral vectors is finding the right balance between safety and immunogenicity. Although live viral vaccine vectors are highly efficacious, there is also a greater potential risk involved with their broader usage because they are replication-competent. Vaccines based on replication-incompetent viruses are perceived to be safer but there is not yet any vaccine on the market for human use. In this talk, characteristics of both replication-deficient and replication-competent viral vectors and barriers for their developments will be discussed. The talk will specifically focus on a few vector examples that have either generated marketed products or have successfully completed their phase 3 efficacy trials.
Nada M Melhem
American University of Beirut, Lebanon
Title: Characterization of Norovirus in Lebanon among hospitalized children less than 5 years old
Time : 11:55 - 12:15

Dr. Nada Melhem joined the American University of Beirut (AUB) in 2009 after earning her doctoral and postdoctoral training at the University of Pittsburgh, Department of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology. She is an assistant professor of infectious diseases and microbiology at the Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS), an associate at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics and a member of the Center for Infectious Diseases Research, Faculty of Medicine at AUB. Dr. Melhem is a virologist and immunologist representing FHS on the National Committee for Communicable Diseases and the Polio National Containment Committee, both hosted at the Ministry of Public Health. Dr. Melhem conducts international and national collaborative research on potential therapeutic vaccine models targeting HIV- 1 and HIV drug resistance in Lebanon, respectively. She has designed and implemented projects on viral hepatitis as well as HIV and viral hepatitis co-infections among high-risk groups. Dr. Melhem has published on HIV and viral hepatitis and is currently assessing the prevalence of Norovirus among hospitalized children less than 5 in Lebanon and the genotypic characterization of the virus.
Norovirus (NoV) is responsible for at least 50% of all gastroenteritis outbreaks worldwide. NoVs are classified into six different genogroups (GGI- GGVI) based on the viral capsid protein with NoV genogroup II genotype 4 (GGII.4) being the predominant strain causing human diseases. To our knowledge, no data exist on the burden of NoV in Lebanon among hospitalized children less than 5 years old. Written informed consents were obtained from the legal guardians of hospitalized children and consequently stool samples and medical data were collected. A standardized questionnaire including demographic, epidemiologic and clinical observations was used at the time of hospitalization of children presenting with diarrhea. A total of 739 eligible stool samples were collected from six major hospitals in Lebanon. Viral RNA extraction was performed followed by reverse transcription using genogroup-specific primers for GI and GII genotypes Nucleotide sequencing of NoV positive samples was performedusing the PCR primers. Multiple sequence alignments were carried out and phylogenetic trees were constructed using the MEGA 6 software. A total of 83 norovirus cases (11.2%) were detected over the course of 2 years. The mean age of these cases was 16.2±9.5 months. The incidence of NoV infection was the highest during the summer season (June-August) of each year. The majority of the NoV cases were NoV genogroup GII (n=78) with a total incidence rate of 10.6% while 5 samples tested positive for NoV genogroup GI with a total incidence rate of 0.7%. Most samples showed positive symptoms of diarrhea (95.1%) followed bydehydration (89.0%), vomiting (76.8%) and fever (67.1%). The majority of the isolated cases were caused by GII.4a and GII.4b (67%) with isolated cases of GII.1, GII.3, GII.6, GII.7, GII.9, GII.13 and GII.21. Similarly, GI.3 and GI.4 were detected. Our results are similar to those detected in the developed countries. We are in the process of designing seroprevalence data to assess the level of protection following infection with NoV.
Rashmi Sharma
SPC GCA ,MDSU,Ajmer,India
Title: Viral Diseases of Ajmer Rajasthan India
Time : 12:15 - 12:35

She did her PhD on the Topic "Effects of certain substances antagonizing the action of vitamin A during limb and tail regeneration in anuran amphibians. She has 20 years of teaching experience and 20 years of research experience. She has attended more than 57 conferences both national and international. Did 2 refresher courses and 1 orientation course. She has published papers in national and international journals. Supervised 7 Dissertations and presently supervising 4 PhD students
Ajmer is located in the center of Rajasthan (India) between 250 38 and 260 58 North Latitude and 730 54 and 750 22 East Longitude covering a geographical area of about 8481sqkm hemmed in all sides by Aravalli hills. Viral diseases occur when an organism’s body is invaded by pathogenic viruses and infectious viral particles (virions) enter susceptible cells. The viral diseases which commonly occur in Ajmer are: 1) Influenza (family Orthomyxoviridae), occur by droplet contact. Treatment is by Amantadine, rimantadine, zanamivir, oseltamivir. Prevention is by hand washing, covering the mouth while coughing and sneezing and avoiding close contact. 2) AIDS (Retriviridae) transmission is by sexual contact, blood, breast milk. Treatment is by HAART and prevention by avoiding shared needles, safe sex. Diagnosis is by antibody detection, p24 and nucleic acids. 3) Measles (Paramyxo viridae) transmission by droplet contact, treatment none, prevention by vaccines and avoiding contact, diagnosis is by antibody detection. 4) Mumps (Family Paramyxo viridae) transmission is by droplet contact and treatment none; prevention is vaccine and avoiding close contact. 5) Chicken pox (family Herpes viridae), transmission is by direct contact, treatment by zoster and varicella (acyclovir) and diagnosis by cell culture. 6) Gastroenteritis (Adeni viridae) transmission by droplet contact, fecal and oral; treatment none, prevention is by vaccine diagnosis ELISA. 7) Pneumonia (Paramyxo viridae) Transmission by droplet contact, treatment none, prevention by vaccine, diagnosis is by antibody detection.
Chengyu Liang
University of Southern California
Title: Autophay and autophagy-related factors in herpesviral infection

Chengyu Liang obtained her PhD from the University of New York at Stony Brook, and received post-doctoral training as a tumor virologist at Harvard Medical School. She is an Assistant Professor at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California, where she leads a research team that investigate the molecular regulation and biological functions of basic cellular processes, including autophagy, apoptosis, genomic instability, and membrane trafficking, in the pathogenesis and therapeutic interventions of cancer and infectious diseases
Autophagy constitutes a major catabolic hub for the quality control of intracellular entities of eukaryotic cells, and is emerging as an essential part of the host antiviral defense mechanism. However, in turn, viruses have evolved elegant strategies to co-opt various stages of the cellular autophagy pathway to establish virulence in vivo. This is particularly the case in the ubiquitous and persistent herpesvirus infection. I will discuss recent findings regarding the crosstalk between the gamma-herpes virus family and the autophagy pathway. We have identified the key role of the anti-autophagic aspect of the virally encoded Bcl-2s in the chronic infection of oncogenic ï§-herpesviruses and propose that cellular autophagy may have a substantial effect on viral persistence and may influence the in vivo fitness of viruses. Furthermore, some autophagy factors can also be hitchhiked by viruses for their efficient penetration into host cells. These discoveries expand upon known antiviral activities of the autophagy machinery and also suggest new approaches for treating some virally induced diseases.
Marcela Kudelova
Institute of Virology Slovak Academy of Sciences
Title: Murine gammaherpesvirus – newly discovered properties of MHV-68

Marcela Kudelova has completed her postdoctoral studies from Comenius University and ScD thesis from Slovak Academy of Sciences. She is the head of Department of Molecular Pathogenesis of Virology, Institute of Virology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovak Republic. She has published more than 55 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of repute.
The murine γ-herpesvirus 68 (MHV-68) known naturally infect rodents still actually provides a unique experimental model for dissecting important topics of human immunity to large DNA viruses that persist in B lymphocytes. Three scopes of interest related to MHV-68 are addressed by our laboratory and produce new knowledge about this virus. The first addresses the hypothesis that ticks, known to transmit multiple pathogens which can cause diseases in humans and animals, have a role in MHV-68 circulation in nature. The second is whether it is possible that MHV-68 might transform mouse cells in vitro. And the third addresses to the hypothesis that MHV-68 might induce the production of growth factor related compounds described for some herpesviruses. Recently we were the first to report the detection of MHV-68 in Dermacentor reticulatus ticks and of a live virus in their organs. Along with previous finding of MHV-68 in Ixodes ricinus ticks these results allow suggest MHV-68 as a potential arbovirus, the second one known as its own DNA genome. More, we prepared MHV-68 transformed mouse fibroblast cell line that acquired transformed phenotype after infection with UV irradiated MHV-68. In transformed cell line, viral antigen and DNA could be detected indicating that it might be oncogenic. In medium of these cells we identified compounds resembling growth factors which have displayed transforming and transformed phenotype suppressing activity in normal and tumor cells. Bivalent properties of compounds have been blocked entirely by antisera against MHV-68 and monoclonal antibodies against glycoprotein B suggesting their viral origin.
Daniel Delani
Universidade Federal de Rondônia, Brazil
Title: Territory, Hydroelectric and Dengue in the city of Porto Velho, Brazilian Amazon

Daniel Delani is graduated in Biological Sciences from the Faculty of Education of Porto Velho and has postgraduate in Methodology for Higher Education and Curricular Innovations and in Environmental Management. He is currently Assistant Professor I of the Federal University of Rondonia.
The city of Porto Velho, into the Amazon, is located into an endemic area and it has a perfect condition to proliferate the Dengue`s disease. Hence, the objective of this study is to gather an epidemiologic data of the case reports into the city of Porto Velho, since 2007 to nowadays, showing on these results of the hydroelectric constructions into the Madeira River, has increased the epidemiologic manifestation of the disease, In addition we used the information from SINAN. In summary, the city of Porto Velho registered in the year of 2007, 387 cases of Dengue , 2008 = 1092, 2009 = 1757, 2010 = 6410, 2011 = 162, 2012 = 163, up to date 153 cases of an of the 4 serotype of Dengue, has been registered. Moreover, according to the Brazilian Ministry of Health, the city of Porto Velho leave the alert epidemiologic situation to outbreak epidemiologic situation pointed by LIRAa, since 2010; with index of lend register of 4,4%. These information, associated with incidence of diseases in the year 2010, show the demographic impact caused by increment of workers arrived from different cities among the whole country, for the constructions of Hydroelectric into the Madeira River. Therefore, besides the indexes have shown toward a epidemiologic control, the 4 serotypes of the disease and the continuous migration of workers, may have contributed to new epidemics, increasing the vulnerability of the area toward the disease, being necessary the constant prevention and measurements to stabilize these aggravations.
- Therapeutic Approaches and Targets for Viral Infections

Sang-Moo Kang
Georgia State University,USA

Khaled Barakat
University of Alberta,Canada
Session Introduction
Ronald Moss
Ansun Biopharma,USA
Title: DAS181: A Novel Host Directed Approach to Prevent and Treat Virus Infections
Time : 08:00-08:25

Ronald Moss, M.D. has served as the Chief Executive Officer of Ansun Biopharma, Inc. since October 2012, and before that, served as both interim CEO and Executive Vice President of Clinical Development and Medical Affairs at Ansun from 2008 to 2012. Dr. Moss has held various executive positions in the pharmaceutical industry for over 20 years and has played a pivotal role in successfully leading companies through the complexities of drug and vaccine development. Dr. Moss has been involved in drug and vaccine development of products in Infectious Disease, Allergy, Neurology, Dermatology, Oncology, Respiratory, Transplant, and Autoimmunity in both large pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, including roles at Aventis, Immune Response, Merck, Telos and Vical. He has also authored over 70 scientific publications. Prior to joining industry, he received his M.D. degree from Chicago Medical School, completed a residency in pediatrics at SUNY Stony Brook and completed a fellowship at the National Institutes of Health. He is double boarded in Pediatrics and Allergy and Immunology. He is also a Fellow of the American Academy and American College of Allergy and Immunology.
Vaccines and antivirals are currently the main approaches to prevent and treat respiratory virus infections such as influenza. The recent 2009 H1N1 pandemic and the H7N9 outbreaks exemplify the unpredictable nature of influenza viruses. Particularly concerning is the documentation NAI drug resistance to particular strains of influenza. DAS181, is an investigational host directed inhaled sialidase fusion protein and has shown in vitro and in vivo activity against many subtypes and strains of influenza virus including H7N9 and H5N1. Data will be presented from preclinical and late stage clinical studies of DAS181 against influenza. Parainfluenza lower track infection results in significant morbidity and mortality in immune-suppressed transplant patients without any licensed vaccines or antiviral drugs. In addition, the drug has shown in vitro and in vivo activity against parainfluenza virus strains (PIV-1, PIV-2, PIV-3, and PIV-4) by inactivating the virus binding receptors. DAS181 has been utilized in over 80 EIND’s, and a phase 1 study of transplant patients with severe PIV infection. Interestingly, DAS181 has also shown significant in vitro activity against other viruses including EV-68, JC, and BK. The host directed approach of DAS181 contrasts with virus specific antivirals, by circumventing considerable problems related to antiviral drug resistance, and the need for prediction of strains for effective vaccines. DAS181, an investigational drug, is currently in Phase 2 clinical trials of parainfluenza infection. Preclinical and clinical data from studies with DAS181 activity against a variety of pathogenic viruses will be presented.
Sang-Moo Kang
Georgia State University,USA
Title: New approaches for developing viral vaccines against influenza and respiratory syncytial virus
Time : 08:50 - 09:10

Dr. Kang has completed his PhD in 1998 from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and postdoctoral studies from Emory University School of Medicine. He is the professor at the Institute for Biomedical Sciences, Georgia State University. He has published more than 120 papers in reputed journals in the fields on novel viral vaccines, and immunology of vaccines and adjuvants.
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is one of the most important causes for viral lower respiratory tract disease in humans. There is no licensed RSV vaccine. Here, we generated recombinant influenza viruses carrying the chimeric constructs of hemagglutinin (HA) and central conserved-domains of the RSV G protein or RSV F neutralizing epitopes. Chimeric recombinant influenza viruses showed lower pathogenicity without compromising immunogenicity in mice. Single intranasal inoculation of mice induced RSV neutralizing activity. Mice with single intranasal inoculation of chimeric recombinant influenza viruses were protected against RSV infection as evidenced by significant reduction of lung viral loads upon RSV challenge. Chimeric recombinant influenza virus inoculation of mice did not induce pulmonary eosinophilia and inflammation upon RSV infection. To improve cross protection overcoming HA specific immunity, we engineered replication-competent influenza A virus to express tandem repeat of heterologous M2 extracellular (M2e) domains in a chimeric HA conjugate form. Immune sera from mice with inoculation of live recombinant influenza virus expressing M2e4x-HA were effective in conferring cross protection against H1, H3, and H5 subtype influenza viruses. These findings support a concept that chimeric recombinant influenza viruses carrying the RSV neutralizing or influenza conserved-domain can be developed into new viral vaccines against RSV or influenza virus.
Rebecca D Parr
Stephen F Austin State University,USA
Title: A new antiviral therapeutic strategy for the prevention of rotavirus infections
Time : 09:10 - 09:50

Dr. Rebecca Parr earned her Ph.D. at Texas A&M University in College Station, TX by characterizing and comparing the spike proteins of two pathotypes of the avian coronavirus, infectious bronchitis virus. Her post-doctoral research experiences are extensive in exploring host-pathogen interactions, viral pathogenesis, and host cell protein interactions that effect cell processes of coronaviruses, baculoviruses and rotaviruses. Her recent research efforts have focused on understanding the mechanisms of action of the rotavirus enterotoxic protein, NSP4 to help design a more effective vaccine. After initiating and directing a Master of Science in Biotechnology Program at Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, AR, Dr. Parr accepted an assistant professorship at Stephen F Austin State University, Nacogdoches, TX, to continue teaching and expanding her research on antiviral strategies using natural products. She has published more than 20 papers in peer reviewed and 2 book chapters.
Rotaviruses (RV) are one of the leading causes of severe diarrhea in young children throughout the world. According to the WHO, rehydration, zinc supplements, nutrient-rich foods, and the availability of health professionals are key measures to treat diarrhea, but there is poor availability of interventions in developing countries. Three vaccines are available, but they only reduce the viral load, lessoning symptoms while the virus still replicates. Therefore, the search for a cost-effective therapeutic is important in reducing morbidity and mortality of RV infections in developing countries. The purpose of our studies is to investigate the effects of highly purified small molecules extracted from peanut (Arachis hypogaea) hairy root cultures. The desired effects include prevention of diarrheal symptoms and the establishment of a robust protective immunity. Recent studies show that selected natural products and synthetic small molecules inhibit specific viruses, bacteria and parasites. Stilbenoids are small molecules composed of polyphenolic compounds functioning as phytoalexins which are secondary metabolites with antimicrobial activity. They are produced by grapes, peanuts and some berries. The stilbenoid resveratrol demonstrates strong antioxidant and chemo-preventive properties. Our laboratory tested four highly purified stilbenoids to determine their effects on the RV replication in a human intestinal cell line. Our data shows a significant decrease in the amount of virus progeny with the addition of two of the four stilbenoids tested. A possible explanation of the observed effects is due to the ability of the stilbenoids to bind to cellular receptors present on the cell lines used in this study.
Khaled Barakat
University of Alberta,Canada
Title: Rational Design Of Immune Checkpoints’ Small Molecule Inhibitors
Time : 09:30 - 09:50

Dr. Barakat is an Assistant Professor at the school of Pharmacy at the University of Alberta, Canada. His research stands at the multidisciplinary interface of physics, biology and computer science. Dr. Barakat’s major focus is on developing and applying state-of-the-art computational drug discovery tools to discover new antiviral and immunotherapeutic drugs. Dr. Barakat has made great contributions in understanding the nature and biophysical processes underlying protein–drug, protein–protein and drug off-target interactions and predicting drug-mediated toxicity. He also received numerous awards including the CIHR and AIHS postdoctoral fellowships, the prestigious University of Alberta dissertation award and many distinction awards throughout his undergraduate and graduate studies. Dr. Barakat is also the editor of the Journal of Pharmaceutical Care & Health Systems and serves as a guest reviewer for several journals.
T lymphocytes preserve the immunological balance between defending against viral infection and preventing continual activated immune responses. While T cells’ specificity against cancer or viral infection is determined by the interaction between the T-cell receptor complex (TCR) and antigenic peptides bound in surface major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules, the full activation of T cells requires a second signal obtained by the binding of the co-receptor CD28 on T cells to CD80/86 molecules on activated antigen presenting cells (APCs). Once mobilized, T cells also express other receptors that inhibit their proliferation and cytokine production, known as immune checkpoints. Among these receptors are Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Antigen-4 (CTLA-4), programmed death-1 (PD-1) and T cell immunoglobulin mucin-3 (TIM-3) and many others. Blocking the interactions between these receptors and their ligands emerged as a ‘game changer’ in immunotherapy, with antibodies directed toward PD-1, for example, being selected as ‘drug of the year’ for 2013 by Science. More importantly, combination blockage of multiple co-inhibitory pathways has a greater efficacy by preventing accumulation of the unblocked negative co-receptor, allowing T cells to continue to survive, proliferate, and carry out effector functions within infected cells. This talk will focus on PD-1 and will describe for the first time two accurate models for human PD-1 bound to its two human ligands. The talk will also demonstrate how these two models are being used to rationally design small molecule inhibitors for the Pd-1 pathway.
Kylie M. Wagstaff
Monash University,Australia
Title: Nuclear Transport Inhibitors Alter Capsid Subcellular Localisation and Replication of Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus and Related New World Alphaviruses
Time : 09:50 - 10:10

Dr. Wagstaff completed her Ph.D in 2007 at Monash University (Melbourne) where she has remained for her post-doctoral studies. She is presently an ARC Australian Post-Doctoral Research Fellow and manages a small research group. Her research focuses on the transport of proteins into and out of the eukaryotic cell nucleus and its therapeutic applications, including the development of inhibitors of this process as anti-viral agents and how the nuclear transport machinery may be exploited for drug delivery. She has >30 peer-reviewed publications in eminent journals (H-factor of 16) and numerous prestigious awards/prizes.
New World Alphaviruses, such as Eastern, Venezuelan, and Western Equine Encephalitis Viruses (EEEV, VEEV, and WEEV), cause high mortality and morbidity in equines and humans and are characterized by a febrile illness that may progress into encephalitis. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention considers all three viruses Category B agents due to their ease of weaponization and the lack of licensed vaccines or therapeutics. The VEEV structural capsid protein blocks nuclear import in mammalian cells, most likely by forming a trimeric complex with the host nuclear import (importin ï¡ï€¯ï¢1) and export (CRM1) machinery. This complex sits inside the nuclear pore comples, the only transit for protein movement between cytoplasm and nucleus and prevents host protein movement, thus inhibiting the host anti-viral response. possibly due to its complexing with the host CRM1 and importin α/β1 nuclear transport proteins. Inhibition of viral protein nuclear transport is a rapidly growing area of investigation and hence nuclear transport inhibitors were investigated for their effectcs on Capsid. Utilising numerous transport inhibitors and a combination of in vitro protein binding assays with advanced quantitative confocal microscopy of transfected and infected cells as well as viral replication assays we demonstrate that VEEV capsid nuclear transport is a viable target for therapeutic intervention, resulting in reduced viral replication. Similarly other New World alphaviruses are also susceptible to these compounds suggesting for the first timethat a pan-antiviral therapeutic may be possible.
Yohanna Kambai Avong
Institute of Human Virology,Nigeria
Title: Fixed dose combination anti-retroviral drugs had comparable immunological, virological and adherence potential with single drug combinations
Time : 10:30 - 10:50

Avong is a public health pharmacist, implementing the United States Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief and the Global Fund Round 9 grants, under the Institute of Human Virology, Nigeria (IHVN). He holds a Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm) from the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria and a Master of Public Health (MPH) from the University of the Western Cape, South Africa. He is also pursuing a PhD in Pharmacovigilance and Pharmaco-epidemiology. He inspired the setting- up of the spontaneous reporting system (SRS) in the HIV/AIDS and MDRTB public health programs for the detection, monitoring, treatment and reporting of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) of anti-retroviral and second line anti-tuberculosis drugs. He has supervised the collection and analysis of over 2000 individual case safety reports (ICSRs) from the HIV/AIDS and MDRTB programs and published several papers in the areas of pharmacovigilance, adherence to anti-retroviral therapy (ART) and procurement and supply management (PSM) as well as reviewed manuscripts for several notable journals. He also participated in the development of the current Nigerian “Integrated National Guidelines for HIV Prevention Treatment and Care in Nigeria”. As the head of the Pharmacy Division and Associate Director with the IHVN, he oversees the delivery of pharmaceutical care services in all the grants awarded to the IHVN. He served as the liaison officer between the Alpha Pharmacy and Stores Limited and the Federal Government of Nigeria for the importation of Narcotics for the public sector in 2003 through 2005. His current interest is promoting adherence to medications and pharmacovigilance in public health programs.
Background There are mixed reports on the effectiveness of fixed-dose combination (FDC) anti-retroviral medications at enhancing adherence to medications. However, some countries have completely replaced the single-drug combinations (SDCs) antiretroviral medications with the FDC, which limit treatment options and promote poly-pharmacy with attendance drug-drug interactions and additive toxicities. We investigated whether the FDCs have superior adherence effects and virologic suppression over the SDCs, to warrant their exclusive retention in anti-retroviral therapy (ART) formularies. Methods We included 501 HIV/AIDS patients (≥18 years), prescribed FDCs and SDCs at the University of Abuja Teaching Hospital, Nigeria, over a five year period (from April 2005 to May 2010). The FDCs contained three drugs with a daily pill burden of two pills while the SDCs contained a combination of single drugs and dual fixed dose combinations with daily pill burden of eight pills. Self-reported adherence to ART was defined as taking at least 95% of medication in correct doses, frequency and schedule of administration over the previous three days. Virologic suppression was defined as achieving a HIV-1 RNA of 400 copies/mL. Propensity score method was used to make sure treatments were randomly assigned in the two cohorts and logistic regression applied to compare rates of adherence to ART and virologic suppression across the two cohorts. Results: 501 patients were prescribed either FDC [206(41.2%)] or SDC [295(58.8%)]; majority of the females compared with males were FDC users [123(48.4%) vs 83(33.6%); p <0.001)]. Most of SDC users had secondary education [105(60.4%) vs 69(39.6%)], were married [181(59.9%) vs 121(40.1%)] and had informal employment [174(61.3% vs 110 (38.7%) compared with the FDC users. Most of the FDCs users were on therapy for more than 48months [127(64.5%) vs 70(35.5%] and a fewer proportion experienced adverse drug reactions [39 (44.8%) vs 48 (55.2%)] compared with the SDC users. The proportion of SDC users who achieved virologic suppression [238(80.7%) vs 164(79.6%)] or who were adherent to ART over the previous three days [259(87.8%) vs 187(90.8%)] were similar when compared to the FDC users. In a multivariate logistic regression model adjusting for age, gender, education and duration on ART, viral suppression and adherence to ART over the previous 3 days were not statistically different between the SDC and FDC users [Viral suppression (OR=0.94 (95% CI 0.54 – 1.45; p=0.64); Adherence to ART (OR=1.37 (95% CI 0.76 – 2.46; p=0.30)] . Conclusion: FDCs had no superior adherence and virologic suppression potential over the single drug combinations in this cohort. SDCs should be retained alongside the FDCs in resource limited settings.

Dr. Angel Simeonov Galabov is a professor of virology in The Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology, Sofia, Bulgaria. He completed his Ph.D. at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and M.D at Higher Medical School, Sofia, Bulgaria. He held many positions in his carrier. He is Regular Member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and is a member of several other Scientific Organizations. He has 40 patent inventions and 235 scientific refereed publications, including a monograph and chapters in books. He received award and honors; Awarded by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences by the Sign of Honor “Marin Drinov†in 2009. Dr. Angel Simeonov Galabov's research interests include Antiviral Substances, Biological response modifiers, Replication cycle of picorna, Papillomaviruses in cervical cancer etiology, Oncolytic parvoviruses, Population genetics, Genetic status of ancient Bulgarians (Proto-Bulgarians) and Thracians (mtDNA analysis of anthropo-archeological skeletal remains).
Human enteroviruses distributed worldwide are causative agents of a broad spectrum of diseases with extremely high morbidity, including a series of severe illnesses of the central nervous system, heart, endocrine pancreas, skeleton muscles, etc., as well as the common cold contributing to the development of chronic respiratory diseases, and the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The above diseases along with significantly high morbidity and mortality in children, in the high-risk populations (immunodeficiencies, neonates) definitely formulate the chemotherapy as the main tool for the control of enterovirus infections. At present, clinically effective antivirals for use in the treatment of enteroviral infection do not exist, in spite of the lots of work carried out in this field. The main reason for this is the development of drug resistance. . We studied the process of development of resistance to the strongest inhibitors of enteroviruses, WIN compounds (VP1 protein hydrophobic pocket blockers), especially in the models in vivo, CVB infections in mice. We introduced the tracing of a panel of phenotypic markers (MIC50 value, plaque shape and size, stability at 50o C, pathogenicity in mice) for characterization the drug-mutants (resistant and dependent) as a very important stage in the study of enterovirus inhibitors. Moreover, as a result of VP1 RNA sequence analysis performed on the model of disoxaril mutants of CVB1, we determined the molecular basis of the drug-resistance. The monotherapy courses were the only approach used till now. For the first time in the research for anti-enterovirus antivirals our team introduced the testing of combination effect of the selective inhibitors of enterovirus replication with different mode of action resulting in the selection of a number of very effective in vitro double combinations revealing synergistic character of the combination effect and a broad spectrum of sensitive enteroviruses. The most prospective attainment in our study in this field was the development of a novel scheme for the combined application of anti-enteroviral substances in coxsackievirus B1 and B3 neuroinfections in newborn mice. It consisted of a consecutive, alternating and non-simultaneous, administration of the substances in the combination. The triple combinations disoxaril/guanidine/oxoglaucine (DGO), pleconaril/guanidine/oxoglaucine (PGO) and pleconaril/MDL-860/oxoglaucine (PMO) showed a high effectiveness expressed in a marked reduction of mortality rate in infected mice as compared both to the placebo group, and to the partner compounds used alone every day, and to the same combination applied simultaneously every day. Studies of the drug sensitivity of viral brain isolates from mice, treated with these combination showed not only preserved, but even increased sensitivity to the drugs included in the combination. Obviously, the consecutive alternating administration of anti-enteroviral substances hinders the occurrence of drug-resistance in the course of the experimental enteroviral infections in mice.
Patricia Araujo
Federal São Paulo University,Brazil
Title: HLA pattern contributes to the protection or susceptibility to HBV infection in Brazilian blood donors

Dr. Patricia Araujo received her Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge (UK) and was a post-doctoral fellow in the Molecular Virology Department at the Federal São Paulo University (Brasil). She is now an Chief of Virology and Serologic screen laboratories at the Blood Bank- Colsan of Federal São Paulo University.She has a long standing interest in the molecular biololgy of hepatitis B virus, mechanisms of virus replication and virus host cells interactions that result in innate immune responses to infection.
In a previous study, we observed that killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR)/ Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) interactions contributed to protection or susceptibility to hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, among blood donors with occult HBV infection (OBI) and spontaneous HBV clearance (SHC). In this context, to investigate the HLA pattern in OBI and SHC in blood donors with reactivity isolated to anti-HBc were analyzed 20 OBI cases and 40 SHC and both immune response. All samples were tested for HBsAg and anti-HBc using Chemiluminescence Immunoassay (Abbott). The immune response was previously available by NK activity, HBcAg-T-cell response, cytokine production, Treg and PD-1 expression in both groups (OBI and SHC). HLA-A, B, C, DP, DQ and DR genotyping was performed using a Luminex Multi-analyte profiling system (One Lambda, Inc., Canoga Park, CA) with the LABType SSO OneLambda typing kit (One Lambda, Inc., Canoga Park, CA).Susceptibility to HBV infection (OBI) was associated with A33(P =0.001, odds ratio [OR] = 2.42); B7(P < .001, OR = 3.97) and B15(P < .0001, OR = 2.97); DRB1*03(P < .001, OR = 3.47) and *07(P < .0001, OR = 2.34); DPB1*0901(P < .001, OR = 5.75) and HLA-C2(P < .0001, OR = 2.56). HLA-A33, B15, DRB1*07 and HLA-C1 was associated with weak immune response (P<0.0001) observed in OBI. Protection to HBV (SHC) was associated with A*0301(P <.001, OR = 4.38); B*13 0101(P <.001, OR = 4.35), DR1(P <.001, OR = 4.18); DR4(P <.001, OR = 3.67) and DR13(P <.001, OR = 3.17); DPB1*0201(P <.0001, OR = 2.36); DQA1*0301(P <.0001, OR = 2.54) and HLA-C2(P < .0001, OR = 2,14). DPB1*0201, DQA1*0301and HLA-C1 was associated with strong immune response (P<0.0001) observed in SHC. The present findings will serve as a base for subsequent functional studies into HLA molecules and viral factors in order to understand the pathogenesis of HBV infection and the relation with protection or susceptibility in hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection
Mohamed Shaheen
National Research Center,Egypt
Title: Antiviral activity of Cassia alata extracts against cardiac coxsackievirus B3 infections in vitro and in vivo.

Shaheen has completed his PhD at the age of 31 years from Al-Azhar University in applied virology. Shaheen has more than 8 years’ experience in the field of virology. Shaheen published more than 9 papers in peer-reviewed journals. Most of them, Shaheen is the first and corresponding authors. In addition to there are five manuscripts in preparation as first author evolved from PhD dissertation.
Coxsackie virus B3 (CVB3) represents current major threats to public health and considers as an important viral pathogen related to viral myocarditis. We determined the antiviral properties of five extracts of cassia alata leaves in vitro. The most potent extract was selected to be tested in vivo. In vitro, the cytotoxicity effect of the extracts on GMK cells was conducted by MTT colorimetric assay. The antiviral activity of the extracts was determined in three different ways (virucidal, pre-treatment, and post-treatment) by MTT and 50% tissue culture infectious dose (TCID50) methods. In vivo, after toxicity determination, the antiviral activity of the selected extract using two safe doses was evaluated based on determination of the morbidity, mortality, heart to body weight ratio (HW/BW), activities LDH, AST, and CK enzymes, virus titers, and necrosis in heart tissues in infected mice with CVB3. Our results demonstrated that the all extracts of C. alata showed antiviral activity against CVB3 in vitro with TI ranged from 0.2 to 12.2 and reduction in virus titers ranged from 0 log10 to 2.5 log10 where the methanolic extract was the most effective against CVB3 infection in vitro. In vivo, the methanol extract was found to be safe at 100 mg/kg body weight and therefor for antiviral evaluation we used 100 and 50 mg/kg body weight as safe doses. Our results suggested that the methaolic extract of C. alta was significantly reduced the morbidity, mortality, HW/BW, virus titers, necrosis and mononuclear cell infiltration of heart tissues at the both dosages. Also the extract showed the ability to maintain levels of LDH, AST, and CK enzymes at normal level in the treated infected mice compared with those untreated infected mice. This result suggested that the methaolic extract of C. alata may represent a potential antiviral agent to treatment CVB3 myocarditis.
- HIV and Other Retroviral Diseases Affecting Afro-Asian Continents

Anjali Joshi
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, USA

Marcin Sieńczyk
Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Session Introduction
Anjali Joshi
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center,USA
Title: Role of CCR5 levels in HIV-1 evolution and pathogenesis
Time : 10:00 - 10:20

Dr. Anjali Joshi is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biomedical Science at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center. She pursued her PhD in Feline Immunodeficiency virus from North Carolina State University, Raleigh. Immediately after completing her PhD, she received four years of post-doctoral training at the National Cancer Institute, Frederick on retrovirus assembly and release. Her research interests include the role of cellular factors and viral domains in determining the site and process of retrovirus assembly, HIV pathogenesis and anti-HIV gene therapy.
CCR5 co-receptor expression levels in the host play an important role in HIV pathogenesis not only by regulating viral entry but also disease progression. Several genome wide association studies have recently linked the CCR5 genotype to HIV pathogenesis. Interestingly, the best evidence for the role of CCR5 levels in HIV pathogenesis comes from HIV+ individuals heterozygous for the CCR5delta32 gene, that show a marked delay in progression to AIDS. CCR5 levels are also regulated by promoter polymorphisms in humans resulting in a complex role in HIV infection and disease progression. However, it remains unknown how varying CCR5 levels affect HIV evolution and disease progression. We recently showed using T cell lines expressing low levels of CCR5 that co-receptor expression on cell surface affects HIV Envelope mediated bystander apoptosis while supporting virus replication. In these cells expressing low levels of CCR5, HIV replication studies resulted in the emergence of an adapted virus harboring the mutations E170K in V2 loop and N298Y in the V3 loop. The adapted virus maintained CCR5 tropism although the mutations arising in this study have been associated with CXCR4 tropism in patients. Interestingly, the adapted viruses exhibited an increase in Maraviroc IC50 presumably by evolving higher affinity for CD4 and/or CCR5. In vivo, in HIV infected patients, the CCR5 promoter polymorphisms 59353C, 58934G, 59029A and 59402A were associated with lower CD4 counts as well as prevalence of AIDS. Haplotype determination showed that the above polymorphisms were found in the non-HHC haplotype. Thus, CCR5 co-receptor levels may alter diseases progression rate as well as virus evolution in HIV infected individuals. Hence, caution needs to be implemented with recent gene therapy approaches as well as drugs targeting the CCR5 receptor for HIV treatment.
Vladimir Zajac
Cancer Research Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences,Russia
Title: The role of human microbiome in AIDS process
Time : 10:20 - 10:40

Vladimir Zajac has completed his PhD. in 1982 at the Cancer Research Institute of Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava (Slovakia), where he worked as the Head of Department of Cancer Genetics from 1996 to 2010. He joined the Medical Faculty of the Comenius University as Associate Professor of Genetics in 2007. He has published 64 papers mostly in reputed journals and he was editor of the book „Bacteria, viruses and parasites in AIDS process“ (InTech, 2011).
AIDS currently represents one of the most serious healthy and social problem. It is therefore necessary to find new therapeutic targets dealing with the persistence of latent HIV reservoirs after antiretroviral therapy. Since intestinal epithelial cells, GALT and other mucosal tissues represent the main area for replication of the HIV virus, it can be assumed that the intestinal bacteria may play an important role in the etiology of AIDS. The idea that endogenous microflora influences the course of HIV infection is also supported by the finding that microbes greatly affect the reactivation of HIV in latently infected cells. DNA testing of bacteria and yeasts: a) from intestinal tract of American and Slovak HIV-positive patients; b) from respiratory tract of Cambodian and Kenyan HIV-positive children has detected sequences 90% homologous with the corresponding sequences of HIV-1. In bacterial extracts of all patient’s cohorts were identified HIV-like proteins using monoclonal antibodies against HIV-1 antigens p17, p24, gp41 and p55. HIV-like protein of size 95 kDa was detected by monoclonal antibodies against gp120 only in Candida species of Cambodian and Kenyan samples. Specific properties of patient’s microbes were detected by infection of HL-60 cells and reducing the viral load in HIV-positive patients after administration of probiotics E. coli Nissle 1917. Based on these results the presence of HIV-like sequences in microbes of the patients may be hypothetically explained that bacteria and yeasts serve as a natural host of HIV sequences since the beginning of mankind. Thanks to countless epidemics individuals carrying the pathogenic microbes with HIV sequences, largely extinct. However, by administration of antibiotics, drugs and homo anal sex has recently been expanded again. Pathogenic microbes bearing HIV sequences moved to the majority, penetrate from the intestinal tract into the blood, invade the lymphocyte and the process of immunodeficiency may start.
Thatiane L. Sampaio
University of Brasilia,Brazil
Title: HIV-1 production is dependent on the incorporation of Dynamin-2 by Nef
Time : 11:00 - 11:20

Thatiane L. Sampaio worked during a year at University at California in San Francisco as Junior Biologist and completed her PhD, at the age of 28, from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She has developed her postdoctoral studies at University of Brasilia, Brazil, and works currently at Federal Institute of Brasilia, Brazil, as a Professor of Biology
Nef is a virulence factor for Human Immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and promotes progression to AIDS. Nef interaction with Dynamin 2 is required for HIV-1 infectivity, and Dynamin-2 is incorporated into HIV-1 particles. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of the interaction between Dynamin-2 and Nef during HIV-1 production. Dyanmin-2 incorporation is necessary for both, HIV-1 wild type and Nef-deficient infectivity during depletion of Dynamin-2 by small interfering RNA. The overexpression of Dynamin-2 allows for the enhancement of infectivity of HIV-1 wild type, but is not able to rescue HIV-1 Nef-deficient infectivity. Moreover Dynamin-2´s overexpression inhibits HIV-1 Nef-deficient production. A Dynamin-2 product is detected less in HIV-1 wild type particles when compared to Nef-deficient HIV-1 particles. This data suggests that Nef and Dynamin-2 interaction is an important factor for virus infectivity and production.
Cathy Nisha John
University of the Western Cape,South Africa
Title: HIV and Other Retroviral Diseases Affecting Afro-Asian Continents
Time : 11:20 - 11:40

Dr. Cathy Nisha John has completed her BDS, from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, India. She completed her diploma in cosmetic dentistry in 2009 and has achieved a Masters degree in Periodontics in 2012, from the University of the Western Cape. Cape Town. South Africa. She has three publications to her credit including an abstract in reputed journals. She has presented her papers in several international conferences. At present, she is working in a private hospital in the Sultanate of Oman. She is still keen on extending her research in various infectious diseases.
Retroviruses belong to the Retroviridae family, involving a group of single-stranded RNA viruses. The RNA virus invades a host cell, releases a reverse transcriptase enzyme, and enables the cell to make a proviral DNA which gets integrated into host DNA. They can cause serious diseases in humans including tumors, autoimmune diseases, rare anemias, and syndromes affecting the immune system of the host cell. Transmission of retroviral diseases is mainly through unprotected sexual contact, contaminated blood exposure, or by vertical transmission from mother to child during pregnancy or childbirth. Human Immuno-deficiency virus (HIV) is a retrovirus attacking the immune system of human body, advancing into Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). The gradual deterioration of the immune system would compromise the host defense in the dento-gingival region. Certain ulcers or erosions of oral and/or genital mucosa, gingivitis or periodontitis, and other oral opportunistic infections increase the risk of HIV acquisition by oral-genital contacts. Based on the data released by WHO, Sub-Saharan Africa is the most affected region, with approximately 24.7 million people living with HIV. Almost 5 million people are HIV infected in South-East Asia. Other retrovirus related human diseases are human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) and human T-lymphotropic virus type 2 (HTLV-II). About 2 to 5 percent of HTLV1 infected patients develops ATLL (Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma). Africa and East and Central Asia are probably the largest endemic area for HTLV-1. HTLV1 decreases saliva production resulting in dental infections. The discussion implies on the impact of retroviral diseases on oral diseases.
Shittu Rasaq Olatunji
Kwara State Specialist Hospital,Nigeria
Title: Suicidal ideation among depressed people living with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria, West Africa
Time : 11:40 - 12:00

Dr. Shittu Rasaq Olatunji attended the University of Ilorin, Nigeria for his First Degree, where he bagged Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS). He later proceeded to the Post-Graduate School of the same Institution for his Master Degree in Public Health (MPH). He is a Fellow of the West African College of Physician (FWACP), Family Medicine. He is currently the Head of Department of Family Medicine, Accident and Emergency and Lentiviral Clinics of Kwara State Specialist Hospital, Sobi, Ilorin, Nigeria. He is also the Chief Medical Director of Oorelope Hospital (Consultant Specialist Clinics) at Apata Yakuba, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria.
Transient suicide thoughts are common to some people throughout the course of HIV disease and often do not indicate significant risk of suicide. However, persistent suicidal thoughts with associated feelings of hopelessness and intent to die are very serious and must be assessed promptly and carefully. The aim of this study, therefore, was to examine the relationship between depression, hopelessness, psychosocial stressors and suicidal ideation in PLWHAs. This was a hospital based, cross sectional, descriptive study, of one hundred and seventy depressed adult HIV/AIDS patients of Kwara State Specialist Hospital, Ilorin. Depression and suicidal assessment were evaluated using the PHQ-9 scale. A score of >9 or any affirmative response to question 9 of the PHQ-9 scale necessitated suicidal risk assessment. The social determinant questionnaire was used to evaluate social cohesion and negative life events. The prevalence of depression among the HIV/AID patient was 56.7%. Twenty nine (17.1%) were hopeless, twenty eight (16.5%) had at one time or the other thought of taking their lives, six (3.5%) had plan to take their lives. There was strong statistical association between depression, hopelessness (p-value = 0.000) thought of taking life (p-value = 0.000) and plan to take their lives (p-value = 0.030). The significant correlations between hopelessness, depression and suicidal ideation are important markers that should alert clinicians to underlying suicide risk in HIV-positive patients. In addition, low social cohesion and stressful life events were found to be risk factors for depression and suicide. Clinicians should routinely enquire about suicidality in PLWHAs to assist early diagnosis and intervention.
Maduike Ezeibe
Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Nigeria
Title: Medicinal synthetic Aluminum-magnesium silicate {Al4(SiO4)3 + 3Mg2SiO4 → 2Al2Mg3(SiO4)3} – A highly active anti-retroviral medicine.
Time : 12:00 - 12:20

Maduike , C. O. Ezeibe is a Nigerian. He is a professor of Veterinary medicine in the Department of Veterinary Medicine, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike-Nigeria and a graduate of University of Nigeria, Nsukka from where he obtained Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Degree(DVM), M.Sc and Ph.D . He is also a fellow of College of Veterinary Surgeons, Nigeria (FCVSN). Prof Ezeibe has won many academic prizes, including: best student in Veterinary microbiology, pathology, public health and jurisprudence and in Veterinary clinics. In 2011 he won Nigerian government`s presidential standing committee award, for invention of Medicinal synthetic Aluminum – magnesium silicate (Nanoparticles)- a broad-spectrum antiviral medicine which has proved effective against Avian influenza virus, Measles virus, Newcastle disease virus, Peste des petits ruminants virus, Infectious bursal disease virus, Egg drop syndrome 76 virus, Avian pox virus and Canine parvovirus. For virology 2015, Professor Ezeibe shall discuss: Clinical trial of antiretroviral effects of the Medicinal synthetic Aluminum – magnesium silicate (Nanoparticles).
Molecules of Aluminum-magnesium silicate (AMS) are made of platelets with negative electrical charges on their surfaces and positive charges on their edges while every virus has either net positive electrical charges or net negative electrical charges. HIV is positively charged. AMS is safe for use as a medicine . Its negative and positive electrically charged ends make it a broad-spectrum antiviral agent, because, it uses surfaces of its molecular platelets to inhibit positively charged viruses and uses the edges to inhibit negatively charged viruses. When significant percentage of viral infections are inhibited by AMS, immunity completes termination of the infections . Also, platelets of AMS molecules are Nanoparticles. Ultra small size of the platelets makes it possible for them to pass physiological barriers. So, AMS-Nanoparticles reach viruses in every organ. Affinity of Nanoparticles for abnormal (infected and cancer) cells makes AMS able to adsorb onto and destroy HIV-infected cells. That means that even HIV “hidden in cells” are exposed and adsorbed out . Mopping out HIV from blood and the organs means that millions of new viral particles, released from infected cells are prevented from establishing new foci of the infection. Thus, acquired immune-deficiency syndrome (AIDS) stage is prevented. Preventing AIDS gives immune responses advantage over the infection. Nigeria does not have AMS, as a natural resource, but there is abundance of Aluminum silicate and Magnesium silicate in the country. These two minerals which are also safe medicines, were reacted to get a purer form of AMS . Dextrose monohydrate was incorporated in the synthetic AMS , to carry its molecules across mucous membranes of gastro-intestinal tracts, into blood, which carries them to all organs and tissues. In vitro, the medicinal synthetic AMS (MSAMS) has inhibited viruses of six families, including Retroviridae,. It has also been used to cure animals challenged with different viruses . The MSAMS was therefore, used for trial-treatment of HIV/AIDS patients. Plasma samples from the volunteers were tested for viral loads before the treatment and then, repeatedly, during the clinical trial. For four weeks, they were treated with: the MSAMS (50 mg/kg) , MSAMS-stabilized Ampicillin trihydrate (7.5 mg/kg) and immune stimulants. After the first 4 weeks, the treatment was reduced to 50 mg/kg (MSAMS) and immune stimulants. This regime continued till four weeks after each patient`s viral load dropped bellow 50/ml. Mean viral load of the patients increased (P=0.006) from 498.50±33.37 to 1,072.50±184.55 after 3.75±2.06 weeks of the treatment, suggesting that it exposed “HIV hidden in cells”. Then it reduced to 407.33±297.27(P=0.04) when duration of the treatment increased to 6.67±2.31 weeks. Prolonging the medication for 10.40±6.10 weeks, led to 98.61% reduction of the viral load, from 19,500.00±29,580.00 to 270.80±412.80 (P=0.004). Two of the patients had their viral loads reduced to 40/ml and 44/ml, respectively (bellow 50/ml). They are still healthy, ten and sixteen months after the treatment. What remains is to confirm their HIV status by an antigen test, instead of testing for antibodies, because, viral antibodies can remain in blood, long after termination of infections.
Ndegwa Linus Kirimi
Infection prevention Network Kenya,Kenya
Title: Surveillance for viral respiratory healthcare associated infections amongst inpatients in Kenyan hospitals
Time : 12:20 - 12:40

Dr Linus Ndegwa, Public health specialist (Infection Control, PhD (epidemiology), MPHE, clinician with 20 years of clinical experience and training healthcare personnel. Founder and leader of infection prevention Network Kenya (IPNET-K) and Vice-Chair of Global Antibiotic resistance program(GARP).Been speaker in several international meetings including, the African network for influenza surveillance and epidemiology, ID week 2015, co-organized by SHEA, CDC, APIC and IDSA, 10th Anniversary of the Needlestick Safety and prevention Act conference, 1st Indian National conference on infections, antibiotic therapy & hospital epidemiology just to mention a few. A board member of Infection Control African Network (ICAN), a member of external affairs, SHEA committee, and an International Ambassador for SHEA. Currently leading Point-of-care evaluation of the BD Veritor™ Rapid Diagnostic Test for Influenza in Kenya and the national surveillance on healthcare associated infections. He has published more than 25 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of repute.
Background: Although health care associated infections are an important cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, the epidemiology and etiology of respiratory health care associated infections (rHAIs) have not been documented in Kenya. In 2010, the Ministry of Health, Kenya Medical Research Institute, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention initiated surveillance for rHAIs at 3 hospitals. Methods: At each hospital, we surveyed intensive care units (ICUs), pediatric wards, and medical wards to identify patients with rHAIs, defined as any hospital-onset (_3 days after admission) fever (_38_C) or hypothermia (<35_C) with concurrent signs or symptoms of acute respiratory infection. Nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal specimens were collected from these patients and tested by real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction for influenza and 7 other viruses. Results: From April 2010-September 2012, of the 379 rHAI cases, 60.7% were men and 57.3% were children <18 years old. The overall incidence of rHAIs was 9.2 per 10,000 patient days, with the highest incidence in the ICUs. The most common viruses identified among specimens Tested were adenovirus (n =19, 18.5%), RSV (n = 17, 16.5%), parainfluenza virus type 3 (n = 16, 15.3%), and influenza virus A (n= 9, 8.7%).Of all specimens analyzed, 45.7% had at least 1 respiratory virus detected; 92.2% of all positive viral specimens were identified in patients <18 years old. Conclusion: We identified rHAIs in all ward types under surveillance in Kenyan hospitals. Viruses may have a substantial role in these infections, particularly among pediatric populations
Grace Pennap
Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Nigeria
Title: Parallel and Overlapping Infection with Hepatitis B and C Viruses in Apparently Healthy Individuals in a Northern Nigerian Village
Time : 12:40 - 13:00

Grace Pennap is a Microbiology Lecturer with Nasarawa State University Keffi. Her field of interest is Viral Epidemiology where she has 39 peer reviewed publications in reputed Scientific Journals and has contributed a chapter each in two text books.
Infection with Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C virus are significant emerging public health problems in Nigeria. This study determined the prevalence of hepatitis B and C virus infections among apparently healthy people. Two hundred blood samples were screened for HBV and HCV using a rapid chromatographic immunoassay test kit. Of these, 10.5% were reactive for HBsAg, 20.5% for HCV and 1.5% had a co-infection. The gender specific prevalence rates of 9.0% and 12.5% were recorded among the females and males for HBV respectively, while for HCV, the prevalence of 20.7% was recorded among females and 20.2% among males. Co-infection was 2.2% and 0.9% for males and females respectively (P > 0.05). The highest prevalence of HBV (12.9%) was recorded among participants aged 16-30years while it was least (4.3%) among those aged 1-15 years. The highest prevalence of HCV (25.8%) was among those aged 16-30 years and least (8.7%) among those aged 1-15 years. There was no statistically significant relationship between viral infection and age, gender, marital status, history of blood transfusion, educational level, occupation and scarification marks (P > 0.05). The high prevalence rates is a cause for alarm especially as it is among apparently healthy people. Patients should be screened at the point of care as a prelude to treatment and likewise prospective blood donors .
Dominic Abaver
Walter Sisulu University, South Africa
Title: Sexual orientation and risk factors for the transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus/ Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
Time : 13:40 - 14:00

Dominic Targema Abaver has completed his the age of 40 years from University of Abuja in parasitology; He is chief superintendent of Immigration Nigerian Immigration service, a paramilitary organization in the ministry of interior. He has published number of papers on HIV/AIDS, Immunology and parasitology in reputed journals, such as African Health Science, Pakistani Journal of Medical sciences, African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD). He is a member of Nigerian society of parasitology and a fellow, Institute of Cooperate Administration. Currently, D.T. Abaver is a Contract Researcher at Walter Sisulu University, Eastern Cape, South Africa. His research interest include Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS and other Opportunistic Infections; Preventive measures/techniques of HIV/AIDS; gender, age and sexual orientation as determinants for the impact of HIV/AIDS
The issue of homosexuality attracts global debate, given that this constitutes risk factor for sexually transmitted diseases. An exploration of socio-cultural, religious and sexual activities of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex sector would inform future Human Immunodeficiency Virus programming. A cross-sectional study was conducted in all the five campuses of Walter Sisulu. Data was collected with the aid of questionnaire and interviews. A total of 721 participants completed the questionnaire. Most (71.1%) students are aware of homosexuals in the community, and 79.4% believe having sex with same gender is abnormal and unnatural. Most (90.7%) participants are straight/heterosexuals, while 2.1% are bisexual, 0.3% each identified themselves as gay and lesbians respectively. Homosexuality as a risk factor for transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus scored 55%. While 22.4% confirmed that their religion encourages them to accept people with sexual preference, 47.2% observed that their religion sees homosexuality as unnatural and wrong. Over seventy two percent (72.4%) confirmed that their culture does not accept same sex relationships. Homosexuality by students in WSU community exists. Generally, the act and behaviour of these students are not accepted by the community. Therefore, there is need for the University community to include in the school curriculum and design programmes that will enlighten members of the community concerning the concept and practice of homosexuality
Chaste Karangwa
Rwanda Biomedical Center/HIV Division, Rwanda
Title: Modeling implementation of Early Infant Male Circumcision in Rwanda: Lessons learnt
Time : 14:00 - 14:20

KARANGWA Chaste, Msc candidate, is working with Rwanda Biomedical Centre as HIV biomedical prevention specialist within prevention unit, he is in charge of coordinating all biomedical prevention activities (male circumcision and prevention with positive) and also experienced in HIV data management (demand and use). He has published 2 papers in HIV international conferences. He is Independent mind and ability thinks logically and critically
Background Medical male circumcision (MMC) has been proven to reduce the risk of HIV infection in men. Rwanda does not traditionally circumcise, after sensitization campaigns through community people were interested in MMC, to meet this demand adult MMC is provided since 2008, in addition Rwanda is modeling Newborn male circumcision (performed between births to 2 months) as long term strategy. Methodology A steering committee was established to oversee implementation and to review progress regularly. Steps in establishing the services followed the classical program cycle of assessment, planning, implementation and monitoring. Medical Staff from maternity and surgical department were trained on Mogen device use for 3 days, sites were selected, supplies were procured, and clients were sensitized and enrolled. Data and adverse events was collected routinely and reviewed for uptake improvement. Results A total of 85 circumcisions were performed, 6% of these consented at the ANC, 35% after delivery and 59 % during routine child welfare clinic visits. The average birth weight was 3.3 kilos and age was 41 days. Majority (n/N) did not experience any adverse events (AE), five experienced AE such as bleeding and 8 had incomplete removal of the foreskin. Lessons learned and next steps Integration of newborn male circumcision in MNCH setting is feasible. Mogen clamp is simple to use. Selection of health care workers with surgical experience, extended and adequate training using infant penis models and supervision on the job are critical to minimize AE and to achieve better outcome of Newborn male circumcision procedures.

I have a background in Pediatrics and Pediatric Infectious Diseases, including Board Certification and recertification, as well as expertise in evaluating immunities to vaccine preventable infections in HIV-infected and HIV-exposed children. My research in this area was initiated as a fellow at Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, where I evaluated the immunogenicity to the hepatitis B vaccine in HIV-infected children. Subsequently, I was able to successfully develop and conduct an RC1 research project evaluating serotype specific antibodies to S pneumoniae in US-born versus Hispanic pregnant women and cord blood samples of their infants. This resulted in a publication in the May-June 2012 issue of JNMA.
Immunity to varicella and measles have not been compared in HIV seropositive and seronegative pregnant women and their infants. Antibody levels to varicella and measles were evaluated in 14 HIV seropositive and 34 seronegative pregnant women, 14 HIV exposed and 26 un-exposed cord bloods, and followed-up prospectively in 23 HIV exposed and unexposed infants around 3- 7 months of age by ELISA (99 samples) and by EIA (13 samples) for measles and by immunofluorescence (IFA) for varicella. Correlates of immunity were defined as antibody levels measles (> 1.09 OD ratio or EIA) and >1:8 IFA for varicella. Antibody levels were correlated with T cell counts in HIV seropositive mothers. Mean (range) ages of women at time of serologic tests were 27 (18-40), and 25 (15-41) years for HIV and control groups, respectively. Antibody levels to measles were significantly (P= 0.04) lower in cord bloods of HIV exposed infants compared to the controls. T cell counts were lower in HIV seropositive women non-immune (268/mm3) to measles compared to those immune (618/mm3), but insignificantly (P= 0.07). Immunity to measles and varicella as recognized by antibody levels declined significantly in both HIV exposed and unexposed infants by 3- 7 months of age.
Lucero Ramon-Luing
Laboratory of Integrative Immunology ,Mexico
Title: Identification of genetic and proteomic biomarkers of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome in HIV+ patients who begin antiretroviral therapy

Dr. Ramon-Luing completed her PhD at the age of 27 years in the field of Engineering/biochemistry with focus in Biotechnology (Research Center and Advanced Studies, CINVESTAV). She did a postdoctoral trainning in the field of trichomonosis (CINVESTAV) and tuberculosis (Institute of Biomedical Research, UNAM). Since 2013 she has been a researcher in medical sciences at the National Institute of Respiratory Diseases; also she is member of the National Research System of Mexico. To date she has published 8 papers; currently she began in the study of HIV and respiratory diseases.
Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) refers to the paradoxical deterioration or unmasking of infections after antiretroviral therapy (ART). Although a high proportion of IRIS events are secondary to M. tuberculosis infection, a variety of other opportunistic infections have also been implicated. Our goal is to study highly specific molecules related to infection and systemic inflammation and to elucidate their potential predictive and diagnostic value as IRIS biomarkers. This is a prospective cohort study, currently, forty-eight HIV+ patients naïve to treatment have been enrolled. We evaluated markers of T cell activation (HLA DR, CD38 and Glut-1) and exhaustion (Tim-3 and PD-1) on CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, CD4 count and plasma viral load at baseline (pre-ART), 8 weeks after ART and around the IRIS events. Gene expression of Tim-3, Galectin-9, Glut-1, CXCL10 and Granulysin was analyzed by qPCR. Among the 48 HIV+ patients, 13 developed herpes associated-IRIS. At baseline HIV+ patients who lately developed IRIS showed an increased expression of Tim-3, PD-1 and Glut-1 receptors on T cells compared with those IRIS- (P=0.001). A highly activated phenotype (CD38, Glut-1, HLA-DR, Tim-3 and PD-1 expression) was also identified in HIV+IRIS+ patients. Early ART initiation resulted in a decline in CD38, PD-1, and Tim-3 expression on HIV+IRIS- patients at the 8 weeks (P=0.01). Tim-3 and Glut-1 mRNA relative expression levels were elevated after 8 weeks of ART and significantly more elevated during the IRIS events. Relative mRNA level of CXCL10, was reduced in HIV+IRIS- patients. Granulysin relative expression did not have significant changes among patients. Our data suggest that longitudinal measurements of T cell activation and exhaustion markers should be included alongside HIV-1 mRNA levels. This type of analysis is important for understanding the immune mechanisms underlying IRIS development, which must be explored in larger cohorts.

Prof Patrone Rebecca Risenga is presently working in Department of Health Studies in University of South Africa. She has done Diploma in Nursing & Advanced Midwifery from University Of Johannesburg.
Introduction The World Health Organization estimates that 80% of the world’s population complements conventional therapy with traditional folk medicinal therapies in some aspect of their health care and the most popular of these are herbal therapies (WHO 2008) In Africa, a wide range of traditional herbal medicines are used as part of therapy by the majority of HIV positive people (Ozsoy & Ernst 1999). Moringa leaf contains all amino acids (including the essential ones) vitamin A B C D complex, K, macro and micro mineral elements including selenium and zinc among others and this is one of the herbs used by patients who are HIV positive. Methodology Purpose of this study is to describe the perceptions of patients on Moringa regarding their health. A cross-sectional, explorative, descriptive research design was applied. The sampling frame was all HIV-infected adults presenting to the clinic with opportunistic infection in one of the clinics in Capricorn district Limpopo Province. Participants had to be already enrolled in the national antiretroviral program. Participants were selected as a convenience sample of patients who came to the clinic during July to October 2014 on one afternoon a week. ï¶ Data analysis was done by categorizing, ordering, and summarizing the data, and describing the findings. Findings - Moringa was seen as a best booster amongst patients who are HIV positive in relation to opportunistic infections - Effect of Moringa in CD4 cell count - Moringa and drug interactions Conclusion Moringa was seen as a herb with a huge impact on HIV and many patients are using it on daily basis
- Clinical and Neuro Virology
Session Introduction
Hua Zhu
Rutgers University ,USA
Title: Role of ORF 7 in Varicella Zoster Virus Tissue Tropism and Potential for Novel Vaccine
Time : 12:35 - 12:55

Hua Zhu is an Associate Professor of Department of Microbiology, Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, New Jersey Medical School, Rutgers University. He has received a Ph.D. from the Columbia University, New York NY in 1993. He has completed his postdoctoral training in herpesviruses in Princeton University, NJ in 1998. He is serving as an editorial board member of the Journal of antivirals and antiretrovirals and and reviewer of 6 journals. He published over 60 research articles, reviews and book chapters.
After the primary infection, varicella zoster virus (VZV) remains latent in sensory ganglia, and reactivates upon weakening of the immune system, erupting from sensory neurons and infecting surrounding skin tissue. The factors involved in neuronal invasion and establishment of latency are still elusive. In our previous work, we employed a VZV BAC system in order to characterize a comprehensive library of VZV single ORF deletion mutants. We reported 18 ORFs to be fully dispensable in melanoma cells, which we postulated to encode elements responsible for specific tissue tropism. We now demonstrate that screening of these 18 dispensable gene mutants in differentiated neurons led to the identification of ORF7 as a neurotropic factor. This finding adds to our previous report that ORF7 is also a skin tropic factor. ORF7 is a virion component localized to the Golgi compartment in infected cells, whose deletion causes loss of polykaryon formation in vitro and severely impairs viral spread in human nervous tissue ex vivo. Interactions between ORF7 and other virion proteins are under investigation. Furthermore, ORF7 is required for VZV replication in xenografts of human skin and dorsal root ganglia in a SCID-hu mouse model. Here we show that an ORF7 deletion virus is able to infect dendritic cells, which in turn can infect T cells. This unique set of characteristics lends an ORF7 deletion mutant the potential to become an excellent VZV vaccine candidate. This neuroattenuated vaccine would cause neither the primary chickenpox nor the secondary herpes zoster diseases. Finally, given that ORF7 is essential for VZV initial infection of neurons and replication therein, it may also be a critical trigger of reactivation from latency.
Robin J Green
Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Title: New Insights into the Bugs in the Airway of HIV-infected Children with Lung Disease
Time : 12:55 - 13:15

Robin J Green is Director of Paediatric Services and Paediatric Pulmonology, Paediatric Intensive Care and Allergy Services at the Steve Biko Academic Hospital, Pretoria. He is a Full Professor in the Department of Paediatrics and Child Health within the School of Medicine at the University of Pretoria. He holds a PhD and DSc, and is a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Past President of the College of Paediatricians of South Africa. He is also Immediate Past Chairman of the Allergy Society of South Africa. The National Research Foundation rates him as an established researcher, in paediatric pulmonology.
Pulmonary diseases and syndromes occur in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected children and they often differ from children not co-infected by the HI virus.Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PCP) is a common opportunistic LRTI in HIV-infected infants, early in life and presents as acute severe pneumonia. The presence of PCP is known to be commonly associated with Cytomegalovirus co-infection and CMV is often responsible for mortality. Bacterial and viral co-infection occurs but does not impact outcome. The cytokine results suggest that the major cytokine associated with severe hypoxic pneumonia in very young, HIV-infected, infants is IP-10. There is now clear evidence that bronchiolitis is not a common condition in HIV-infected infants. New evidence is emerging that Human Rhinovirus is associated with both bronchiolitis and pneumonia in both HIV-infected and –non-infected children. With regard to the sputum cytokines identified in children with an acute lower respiratory tract infection, IL-13, IL-4, IL-5, TNF-α, IFN-α, IFN-γ, and MIP-1α are significantly lower in HIV-infected cases, whilst IP-10 and MIG are significantly higher in HIV-infected cases.Chronic lung disease, especially bronchiectasis, is often a sequelae in HIV-infected children. H. influenzae and -parainfluenzae are the predominant organisms cultured in children with HIV-related bronchiectasis and now shown to be the dominant microbiome in such individuals. Il-8 is the cytokine which dominates in children with HIV-associated bronchiectasis.
George Adigbli
University College London, UK
Title: tRNA retrograde transport in nuclear import of HIV-1
Time : 13:15 - 13:35

George Adigbli completed his Bachelor of Sciences degree in Medical Sciences, with Immunology and Cell Pathology, as well as his Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery degrees. He has since completed a Master of Sciences degree at University College London and has been granted a postgraduate scholarship from the University of Oxford to complete a DPhil in Immunology.
Lentiviruses and gammaretroviruses are two subdivisions of retroviruses that exhibit cell cycle independence and dependence respectively in their ability to infect cells. Nuclear import of HIV-1, a process that we lack explicit knowledge of, has been speculated to be mediated by several host and viral factors known as nuclear localisation signals. No such signal currently identified however has been determined essential for nuclear import. Recently it has been found that nuclear import of HIV-1 is mediated by retrograde transport of tRNA. We sought to identify whether there is a relationship between the cell cycle dependence of these retroviral subtypes, the tRNA they incorporate, and nuclear import of HIV-1. To investigate this we studied wild type HIV-1 and MLV and produced two chimeric viruses containing different MLV gag components within a HIV vector. Using these we identified the infectivity of the viruses, extracted and analysed their tRNA and attempted to assay their effect on nuclear import of reverse transcription complexes. We showed that the viruses encoding MLV CA were less able to infect dividing cells than those encoding HIV CA and were also unable to infect non-dividing cells. We also demonstrated quantitative differences between the tRNAs incorporated by the different viruses, most notably the chimera encoding MLV CA. This suggests that MLV CA may somehow affect interaction with or incorporation of tRNAs that mediate HIV-1 nuclear import. We were unable to assimilate the role of such differences in nuclear import however, we have evidence now to suggest that the capsid protein and its interaction with tRNA in some way could hold the key to nuclear import of HIV-1. This creates great prospects for future investigations into the nature of such a relationship and how it may possibly be manipulated in HIV-1 therapy.
Jayaraman Shanmugam
Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University,India
Title: Arboviral infections in India and South East Asian countries
Time : 15:15 - 15:35

Dr.Jayaraman Shanmugam,M.Sc.,Ph.D.,M.D.,Ph.,D(Hon.), President of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists (2014-2015) has worked at Sri Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, (Govt.of India), Trivandrum for 26 years and later in two private medical colleges for 14 years in UAE and India. He has completed 24 research projects, published 118 papers in various journals, received 18 awards and many honors, edited two journals, organized many workshops, symposia, CME, national and international conferences, guided Ph.D students and is an elected Fellow of five societies, including American College of Epidemiology and a senior consultant in Medical Virology/Microbiology in India.
More than 40 human viral agents have emerged in various parts of the world during the past four decades. Most of them are RNA viruses mainly transmitted from animals to humans. Maximum viruses have emerged in the African, Asian and South American continents where enormous species of animals, birds and insects are living with increased possibility of humans coming in close contact with them directly or indirectly. Though more than 550 types of arbo viruses have been described in the world, only around 15 types of them have been reported in India. The Kyasanur Forest Virus in India emerged in 1957 in Karnataka state. In 2005-2006 a major Chikungunya outbreak occurred in South India. The arbovirus emerged lately in India is Congo-Crimean Hemorrhagic Fever virus in 2012 in Gujarat. Around 10 new types of viruses have been detected in South East Asia and Western Pacific. In Australia nearly 40 arbo viruses have been described. Due to the paucity of laboratory facilities many viral diseases go undiagnosed in developing countries from Africa and Asia. Hence the health authorities should initiate appropriate measures to establish high quality laboratories to diagnose viral diseases without delay, including periodic training of the laboratory personnel.
- Regulatory and Economical Aspects in Virology

Ting-Chao Chou
PD Science LLC, USA

Mohammad Intakhab Alam
Zirve University,Turkey
Session Introduction
Todd E. Bell
Texas Tech University Health Science Center, Amarillo,USA
Title: Personal Protective Equipment for Healthcare Workers: “Dressing in the Dark
Time : 14:20 - 14:40

Dr. Bell completed medical school at the University of Arkansas and a combined internal medicine/pediatrics residency program at Duke University. Since moving to Texas Tech, he has served as the Infection Prevention Medical Director for Northwest Texas Hospital and director of the West Texas Influenza Center. He works closely with state and local public health agencies. He is the regional director of the Center for Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease and regional chairman of the department of Pediatrics in Amarillo. He works with an international collaboration in influenza research, as well as pursuing research interests in epidemiology and dysautonomia.
Recent infectious disease outbreaks have highlighted the limitations of evidenced based Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). PPE testing has historically been done by individual component, rather than as a bundle for contact isolation. Unfortunately, testing individual components of PPE may not necessarily equate to protection of healthcare workers when using a PPE bundle. The purpose of this discussion is to review the available literature for viral outbreak scenario PPE, examples of national and international PPE protocols for some outbreaks, and some unpublished data related to PPE selection and training. Strategies for performing “grass-roots” bundle testing by organizations employing PPE will be discussed. New technologies and innovations relating to PPE will be reviewed.
Kathleen Hefferon
University of Toronto,Canada
Title: Plant- Made Biopharmaceuticals for Developing Countries

Kathleen Hefferon completed her PhD at the University of Toronto in Molecular Virology. She was a post-doctoral fellow and then a faculty member at Cornell University. Kathleen has written two books, edited several others and holds a number of patents. Kathleen’s research interests include agricultural biotechnology, food science and global health.
Plant-produced vaccines offer enormous potential for providing relief to developing countries by reducing the incidence of infant mortality caused by infectious diseases. Vaccines derived from plants have been demonstrated to effectively elicit strong immune responses. These plant-made biopharmaceuticals are inexpensive to produce, require fewer purification steps, and can be stored at ambient temperatures for prolonged periods of time. As a result, plant-produced vaccines have the potential to be more accessible to the rural poor. This presentation will provide an overview of plant-produced biopharmaceuticals that are under development to target infectious diseases including human immunodeficiency virus, malaria and Ebola virus
- Veterinary Virology
Session Introduction
Qian Yang
Nanjing Agricultural University,China
Title: The Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Regulates Cofilin Activity and Promotes Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus Entry into Intestinal Epithelial Cells
Time : 10:50 - 11:10

Professor Qian Yang has completed his PhD from College of Veterinary Medicine in Nanjing Agricultural University. She works in Shandong Agricultural University as a teacher in department of veterinary and husbandry from 1982 to 1984. Then she worded in Animal Quarantine Institute of Agricultural Ministry as an assistant researcher from 1987 to 1991. Now she works in the department of animal medical college of Nanjing agricultural university. She has published more than 50 papers in reputed journals.
Transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV), a coronavirus, causes severe diarrhea and high mortality in newborn piglets. Porcine intestinal epithelium is the target of TGEV infection, but the mechanisms by which TGEV disrupts the actin cytoskeleton and invades the host epithelium remain largely unknown. In this study, we found that TGEV infection causes F-actin to gather at the cell membrane, and disruption of F-actin inhibits the TGEV entry into IPEC-J2 cells. The actin depolymerizing factor cofilin is critical for actin reorganization and its activity affects TGEV entry. The TGEV spike protein interacts with epidermal growth receptor (EGFR), activating the downstream phosphoinositide-3 kinase (PI3K)-serine/threonine kinase (Akt) signaling pathway, in turn causing the phosphorylation of cofilin and F-actin polymerization via Rac1/Cdc42 GTPases. EGFR is also the upstream regulator of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathways that regulate F-actin. Our research shows that inhibition of EGFR and PI3K inhibits the entry of TGEV and confirms that EGFR is a receptor for TGEV entry. Additionally, lipid rafts act as signal platforms for the EGFR-associated signaling cascade and affect the adhesion of TGEV. Taken together, these results provide valuable insight into the mechanisms responsible for TGEV pathogenesis and may lead to the development of new methods for controlling TGEV
Maged Gomaa Hemida
King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia
Title: Dromedary camels and the transmission of MERS coronavirus (MERS-CoV)
Time : 11:10 - 11:30

Dr. Hemida received his Ph.D from University of Guelph, 2009. He pursued his PDF training at the the University of British Columbia (James Hogg iCapture Centre). His research area of interest is “One Health Concept” with special emphasis on emerging viruses/host interaction. Currently, studying the molecular evolution and pathogenesis of MERSCoV in the Middle East. He published more than 40 original Research papers on high impacted journals. Meanwhile, he received several Research grants, prestigious honors and scholarship throughout his academic carrier. Currently, he is a reviewer of many granting agencies as well as editorial board member of many international journals.
Middle East Severe Acute Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) is an existential threat to global public health. The virus has been repeatedly detected in dromedary camels (Camelus dromedaries). Adult animals in many countries in the Middle East as well as in North and East Africa have high (>90%) sero-prevalence to the virus and dromedaries are a natural host for this virus. MERS-CoV isolated from dromedaries is genetically and phenotypically similar to viruses from humans. Our goal is to summarise relevant aspects of dromedary camel husbandry, animal movements, trade and the use and consumption of camel dairy and meat products in the Middle East that may be relevant to the ecology and epidemiology of MERS. It is important to understand the ecology and epidemiology of MERS so that zoonotic disease can be prevented and epidemic or pandemic threats mitigated. To understand the modes and risk factors of human MERS, it is important to exclude cases that have been acquired from other humans or affected health care facilities and to focus on index cases of the disease. Such cases are presumed to be zoonotic in origin and livestock exposure has been reported in some, but not all or even most cases. In conclusion, transmission of MERSCoV is complicated and further studies are undergoing to explore this to improve our understanding of the role of the dromedary as a source of human infection.
Sharad Kumar Yadav
Uttar Pradesh Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhayay Pashu Chikitsa Vigyan Vishvidhyalaya Ewam Go-Anusandhan Sansthan ,India
Title: 13-2- Bovine Herpes Virus-1 (BHV-1): Current Scenario of South and East Asia
Time : 11:30 - 11:50

Dr Sharad Kumar Yadav has 25 years of teaching and research experience and has served to various senior positions of the University including Registrar of the DUVASU University. He is currently Professor, Head of Department of Veterinary Microbiology, at DUVASU, Mathura India. He has published number of papers in reputed International & National journals and has a vast experience in the arena of BHV-I virus
Bovine herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1) is accountable for infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), a disease of major economic thrashing in the cattle industry globally. BHV-1 is a member of the genus Varicellovirus in the sub family Alphaherpesvirinae, belonging to the family Herpesviridae. The property of establishing a latent state in ganglionic neurons after infection allocates the BHV-1 virus to persist in the body and spread the disease from a latently infected carrier to a non-infected herd. The first report of BHV-1 infection was recorded as genital form of disease as infectious pustular vulvo-vaginitis (IPV) in cattle in 1841 in Germany. Viral association with this form of disease was confirmed in 1928; respiratory form (IBR) was observed in 1950s and in 1958 for the first time the virus was isolated successfully and classified in the family Herpesviridae. BHV-1 is currently widespread all over the world, and observed in USA, Canada, Zaire, Italy, Belgium, India, Japan, Taiwan and Turkey. The documented prevalence of BHV-1 is 83% in UK, 63%–86% in Eygpt, 43% in England, 36%–48% in Central and South America, 36% in China, 14%–60% in Africa and as restricted distribution in India. Among East and South Asian countries in Nepal, Sri Lanka, Korea, Bhutan and Bangladesh disease was not reported. BHV-1 virus has been detected in many states of India, like Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Haryana, Kerala, Punjab, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Orissa, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and Karnataka with maximum prevalence in Uttar Pradesh and minimum in Himachal Pradesh. Considering the emerging nature of virus, latency, unusual rate of spread of the infection with economic aspects, the current scenario of BHV-1 in South and East Asian region is addressed to formulate a comprehensive control strategy involving thorough screening before international trading and restricting animal movements between different parts of world.
Naresh Jindal
Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,India
Title: Enteric viruses in chicken enteritis
Time : 11:50 - 12:10

Dr. Naresh Jindal completed his PhD from Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar (India) in 1999. He pursued his Post-Doctoral studies for a period of two years (2007-2009) at the University of Minnesota, College of Veterinary Medicine, St Paul, USA. He is at present a Senior Disease Investigation Officer, Department of Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology, College of Veterinary Sciences, Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Hisar (India). His thrust area of working is diagnosis and epidemiology of viral diseases poultry. He has published more than 50 papers in reputed journals.
Health of gastro-intestinal tract is important to get maximum returns in terms of body weight gain and egg production in chicken. Enteric diseases such as runting and stunting syndrome, malabsorption syndrome hamper the production potential to be achieved to its maximum. A number of viruses, bacteria and protozoa have been detected and characterized from enteric cases but the primary etiology has not been definitively established. Previously, electron microscopy was used to detect the presence of enteric viruses. Due to similarities in the viral morphology, there are chances of misidentification by electron microscopy. With the advent of molecular diagnostic methods and next generation sequencing, researchers have made long strides in identification and characterization of viruses associated with enteritis. The molecular techniques have also helped us in identification of enteric pathogens which were previously not known. Regional and national surveys have revealed the presence of several different viruses in enteritis cases including rotavirus, astrovirus, avian nephritis virus, orthoreovirus, picobirnavirus, adenovirus, and coronavirus. These viruses have been detected either alone or in combination. Detection of more than one virus in enteric cases indicates that multiple viruses may be involved in the pathogenesis of enteritis. There may still be unknown pathogens that may directly or indirectly play a role in enteritis in chickens. Detection of unknown viruses by the metagenomics approach would pave the way to develop diagnostic methods for these viruses. At present, there is no specific treatment, and commercially available vaccines have not yet been developed for the viruses that are involved in enteritis in chickens. Complete understanding of the contribution of enteric viruses and other pathogens in enteric diseases of chickens will help in the development of preventive and control measures.
Souvik Ghosh
University School of Veterinary Medicine,West Indies
Title: Whole Genomic Analysis of Rotaviruses
Time : 12:10 - 12:30

Dr. Souvik Ghosh is an Assistant Professor and DVM course director of Virology at the Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine, West Indies. He holds degrees of Bachelor of Veterinary Science, Masters in Veterinary Medicine & Public Health, and Ph.D. (Virology). Dr. Ghosh is a well-known expert on rotaviruses, a major cause of diarrhea worldwide. He has published more than 60 research papers and reviews in peer reviewed international journals. Dr. Ghosh serves as the section editor of Archives of Medical Science and Austin Journal of Virology and Retrovirology, and acts as reviewer to more than 15 international virology/microbiology journals.
Rotavirus-A (RVA) are a major cause of viral diarrhea in humans, animals and birds. The RVA genome consists of 11 segments of double-stranded RNA that encode 6 structural and 6 nonstructural proteins. The mechanisms of genetic diversity of RVAs include reassortment, point mutations and rearrangement events. Whole genomic analyses of RVA strains from different host species are essential to obtain conclusive data on the complex evolutionary patterns, interspecies transmission/zoonosis, and reassortment events of rotaviruses. In 2008, the whole genome-based RVA genotyping scheme was introduced, providing researchers with a uniform platform to study the overall genetic diversity of RVAs. Since then, we have performed whole genome sequencing on several RVAs detected in humans, cattle, pigs and horses, including archival and reference strains. Analyses of these RVA whole genome sequences provided a plethora of conclusive, crucial, and/or new data on (i) emergence of novel RVA genotypes, (ii) zoonosis including the first conclusive evidence for transmission of RVAs from wildlife (simian) to humans, (iii) interspecies transmission of RVAs between farm animals, (iv) reassortment events involving RVAs from different host species including those between human and animal RVA strains, and (v) rare inter-genogroup reassortment events. Taken together, our findings provided vital insights into the complex genodynamics and interspecies transmission of RVAs, with implications on public health.

Xiufan Liu, completed his DVM at the age of 25 from Yangzhou University. He is currently a professor of Yangzhou University. His research areas focus on the epidemiology and pathogenesis of major infectious diseases in poultry in the last two decades with more than 100 papers in reputed journals.
Newcastle disease (ND) is caused by virulent Newcastle disease virus (NDV), which leads to heavy economic losses to poultry industry. Even though intensive vaccination programs have been implemented in many countries, virulent NDV can still be frequently isolated in well-vaccinated flocks. We tested the protection efficiency of LaSota and two sub-genotype VIId vaccines, NDV/AI4 and O/AI4, while O/AI4 was constructed by replacing the HN gene of the vaccine strain NDV/AI4 with that of the variant NDV strain JS-14-12-Ch. The cross-neutralization and Cross-hemagglutination inhibition tests between JS-14-12-Ch and the three vaccine strains indicated the significant antigenic difference between JS-14-12-Ch and LaSota as well as NDV/AI4, but not between JS-14-12-Ch and O/AI4. The results of vaccine protection tests showed that O/AI4 provided improved protection as determined by a significant decrease in both the number of birds shedding, the amount of virus shedding, and virus replication in visceral organs from challenged birds. This study suggested that ND vaccine strain which antigenically and genetically matches with prevalent field strains provides significant better protection than the conventional ones, in terms of reducing virus shedding and transmission.
Márcia Rogéria Almeida
Federal University of Viçosa,Brasil
Title: A phylogeographical approach for determining the epidemiology of Porcine circovirus-2 (PCV-2), considering global trading.

Graduated in Biological Sciences from the PontifÃcia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Brazil (1985); Masters in Biochemistry and Immunology - Department of Biochemistry and Immunology / UFMG (1990), Belo Horizonte, Brazil; Sandwich Doctorate in Biological Sciences (Biochemistry) from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul,Brazil (1998) and "Plum Island Animal Disease Center," USDA, USA; Post-doctorate in Molecular Biology of Viruses in "Plum Island Animal Disease Center," USDA, USA. She is currently Head of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Professor, Coordinator of the Laboratory of Animal Molecular Infectology / BIOAGRO at the Federal University of Viçosa, Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil. She has published more than 40 papers in reputed journals. She has experience in Agricultural Biochemistry and Preventive Veterinary,with an emphasis on molecular biology of animal viruses, acting on the following subjects:Molecular Infectology, Diagnosis, Recombinant vaccines and Antivirals.
In Brazil, our research group has focused on epidemiology and control of Porcine circovirus-2(PCV-2). Porcine circovirus-2 is an emerging virusassociated with a number of different syndromes in pigs known as Porcine Circovirus Associated Diseases (PCVAD). Since its identification and characterization in the early 1990s, PCV-2 has achieved a worldwide distribution, becoming endemic in most pig-producing countries, and is currently considered as the main cause of losses on pig farms. Our research group has analyzed the main routes of the spread of PCV-2 between pig-producing countries using phylogenetic and phylogeographical approaches. Our approaches consists on analyze all information about PCV-2 sequences available in GenBank, including papers published on viral isolation, and live pig trading statistics available on the UN Comtrade database ( We have found a strong correlation between the means of PCV-2 dispersal predicted by phylogenetic analyzes and the statistics on the international trading of live pigs. Recently, we present the first description of PCV2d genotype in Brazil associated to a PCVAD outbreak. Our researches has contributed to a better understand the origins of PCV-2 in Brazil and its dispersal around the world.
Eduardo N. Esteban
National University of Central Buenos Aires (FCV-UNCPBA),Brasil
Title: Bovine Leukaemia Virus (BLV) true resistant cattle truncate virus transmission

Eduardo N. Esteban is working as Professor of Biology at Faculty of Veterinary Sciences UNCPBA.In the year 1981-1983 he was Post Doctoral Fellow in Bovine Leukemia Research Center. The School of Veterinary Medicine University of Pennsylvania. U.S.A.
Economic losses in Argentina and particularly in subtropical regions are high due to BLV-induced leukaemia/lymphoma mortality plus reduction of milk production by BLV-infected cows. BLV-prevalence in the Departamento Rivadavia (Santiago del Estero Province) by 2011-2012 was 84.1% in dairy cattle. Facing such a high prevalence, controlling the virus by serological detection of BLV-infected cattle and culling from the herd is no longer an economically feasible option. No vaccine or therapeutic procedures to avoid BLV dissemination is available so far and controlled breeding of BLV-naturally resistant cattle selected by marker assistance rises as a unique tool to fight BLV. The effectiveness of this procedure depends on the premise that BLV-resistant cattle should not be an infection source for BLV-negative animals. Some BLV-infected animals develop the infection phenotype known as Low Proviral Load (LPL). The BLV-infection phenotypes are associated with the polymorphism of the bovine MHC Class II BoLA-DRB 3.2*. Allele BoLA-DRB3*0902 has the strongest association with LPL-phenotype. More than 80% of cattle selected by BoLA DRB3*0902 genotyping develop LPL when infected with BLV. To test under natural conditions whether these cattle break the BLV-transmission chain, selected BLV-infected LPL-BoLA-DRB3*0902 heterozygous cows were incorporated into a BLV-negative dairy herd. An average ratio of 5.4 (range 4.17-6.37) BLV-negative cows per BLV-infected cattle was kept during 20 months of experiment. Under the same conditions, non-characterized BLV-infected cows were mixed with BLV-negative animals to estimate the BLV-incidence rate (Irate) which was 0.0654%. Predicted BLV-prevalence for the entire region through 9 years using the estimated Irate was just slightly higher than observed BLV-prevalence. Instead, while the Irate predicted 20 new BLV-positive cattle after 20 months in contact with selected BLV-infected LPL-BoLA-DRB3*0902 animals, no BLV-negative cattle became infected. Conclusion. These results confirm for the first time that LPL-BoLA-DRB3*0902 cattle are indeed BLV-resistant and a feasible approach to control the virus.
Rajesh Kumar Joshi
College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry,India
Title: Canine Parvo virus: A cause of concern in canines
Prof Rajesh Kumar Joshi has completed his Ph.D. in Veterinary Microbiology and Public Health in year 1994 from G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, India. Presently, He is Head of Department of Veterinary Microbiology at College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, N.D. University of Agriculture and Technology, Kumarganj, Faizabad (India). He has the teaching experience of over 20 years in Veterinary Microbiology and published more than 70 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of reputed Journals
Canine parvovirus (CPV) represents a well-documented example highlighting the emergence of a new virus through cross-species transmission. CPV emerged in the mid-1970s as a new pathogen of dogs and has since become endemic in the global dog population. Despite widespread vaccination, CPV has remained a widespread disease of dogs and new genetic and antigenic variants have arisen and sometimes reached high frequency in certain geographic regions or throughout the world. Members of the parvovirus genus infect a wide variety of mammalian hosts and are characterized by more or less strict host specificity. Carnivore parvovirus only infects actively dividing host cells. The clinical manifestations of disease are strongly dependent on the age of the host and the symptoms are similar in wild as well as domestic animals. Most cases of CPV infections are caused by a genetic alteration of the original canine parvovirus CPV- 2b. There are a variety of risk factors that can increase a dog’s susceptibility to the disease, but mainly, the virus is transmitted either by direct contact with an infected dog, or indirectly, by the fecal-oral route. Heavy concentrations of the parvovirus are found in the feces of an infected dog. In spite of a large number of vaccine strains and vaccination regimens are in use, there is a sharp rise in the cases of parvovirus infection in vaccinated dogs. Such infections are mostly reported to have severe symptoms and high mortality. These reports suggest the requirement for a thorough study of the clinical field isolates to find out the reasons of such changes at virus level.
M. Bahanur Rahman
Bangladesh Agricultural University,Bangladesh.
Title: Seroprevalence and RT-PCR Based Detection of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus from Selected Areas of Bangladesh

Md.Bahanur Rahman is working as professor in Department of Microbiology and Hygiene in Bangladesh Agricultural University,Bangladesh.
Present study was undertaken to find out seroprevalence of avian influenza virus with molecular detection of this virus circulating in chicken and duck of selected areas in Bangladesh. For these purpose, a total of 360 swab samples (cloacal and oropharyngeal) and 360 serum samples were collected from Rajshahi, Netrokona, Sherpur, Kishoregonj. All samples were subjected to slide HA test and 60 (16.67%) samples found positive. Out of 60 HA positive samples, 45 samples were from Chicken (broiler 15%, layer 31.67%, backyard chicken 28.33%) and 15 (8.33%) from duck. By using AIV Ag detection Rapid Test Kit (RTK) test, all 360 collected swab samples were tested and 43 (11.95%) samples from chicken and duck were fund AIV positive. Among these RTK positive samples, 31samples were (broiler 8.33%, layer 23.33%, backyard chicken 20.0%) from chicken and 12 (6.67%) from Duck. Genus specific M gene possessed in 24 (6.67%) samples, among these 14 (3.89%) isolates possessed HA and NA gene (H5N1) using H5 and N1 specific primer. The HPAIV (H5N1) isolated from 11 chicken samples (broiler 1.67%, layer 10%, backyard chicken 6.67%) and 3 (1.67%) duck samples. Of 360 sera samples, 116 (32.22%) were found positive for avian influenza virus Ab in ELISA. Among them, 16 from chicken (broiler 5%, layer 13.33%, backyard chicken 8.33%) and 100 (55.55%) from duck. Data from this study revealed that, Netrokona district was found more vulnerable to HPAI, (RTK positive 24.44%, HA positive 32.22%, RT-PCR assay M gene positive 17.77%, H5N1 positive 10% and 48.88% sera were Ab positive in ELISA). From this study it is also revealed that HPAI virus spreads rapidly in winter season in comparison to other period of the year. From this study it could be concluded that ducks may act as a carrier of pathogenic AIV in Bangladesh.
- Recent Advances in Drug Discovery
Session Introduction
Oleg P. Zhirnov
D.I.Ivanovsky Institute of Virology,Russia
Title: Metered dose inhaler containing aprotinin, a protease inhibitor, as a drug against influenza
Time : 14:40 - 15:00

Oleg Zhirnov graduated 1’st Moscow Medical Institute and defended PHD theses and Degree of Doctor of science at the D.I.Ivanovsky Institute of Virology (Moscow, Russia). Currently, he is professor and a head of the laboratory of viral pathogenesis at the D.I.Ivanovsky Institute of Virology (Moscow, Russia). Awards: Stipendium of European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), Moscow Mayer’s Award for the development of a new method of Influenza therapy. Grants: German Research Foundation (DFG), NATO Research Grant, Scholarship of Howard Hughes Medical Institute (USA), Grants of Russian Foundation of Basic Research (Russia). Research interests: molecular biology of viruses, molecular pathways of cell death (apoptosis; autophagy), antivirals and viral pathogenesis, viral vaccines design and design of oncolytic viruses.
Influenza virus is activated by host respiratory proteases to maintain infection in respiratory epithelium and pathogenesis of disease. Inhalations of aprotinin, a natural proptease inhibitor, were found to provide therapeutic effect in influenza (for review see Zhirnov et al., Antiviral. Res. 92(1): 27-36 2011). Antiviral efficacy of inhalations of aprotinin aerosol generated by meter dose manual inhaler (MDI) were studied in influenza patients. Clinical trials were performed during outbreak in Moscow region caused with pandemic Influenza H1N1pdm09 virus. Propellant type MDI (AerusTM, Russia) containing aprotinin as an active substance was used. Patients inhaled nasally 2 aerosol doses of aprotinin (160 Kallikrein-inhibiting Units (KIU)) each 2 hours for 5 days. In comparison group, patients were treated with ingavirinTM (a synthetic peptidoamine with unknown antiviral target), 90 mg per day for 5 days. On day 2 after treatment virus loads in nasal-pharyngeal washes were determined by real time PCR. Because amounts of host cells in nasopharyngeal washes varied from patient to patient, amounts of viral RNA were normalized to host ribosomal 18S RNA determined by real time PCR with human ribosome specific primers. About 10 fold decrease of virus load in aprotinin patients were determined in comparison to ingavirin patients. Duration of clinical symptoms, such as headache, sore throat, cough, sore thorax, rhinorrhea, weakness, fever, was 1-2 days shorter in aprotinin then in ingavirin group. About 35 patients were observed and no side effects were documented in aprotinin-treated patients. Aprotinin MDI can be recommended as a drug of choice against Influenza caused by different viruses because phenomenon of virus activation by host proteases is a major pathogenesis mechanism in all influenza viruses.
Marcin Sieńczyk
Wroclaw University of Technology,Poland
Title: Targeting viral serine proteases with phosphonic inhibitors
Time : 15:00 - 15:20

Marcin Sieńczyk graduated from the Molecular Biotechnology and Biocatalysis program in 2002 at Wroclaw University of Technology, four years later he obtained his PhD in Medicinal Chemistry. In 2015 he was awarded habilitation (DSc) in Biotechnology. He currently holds the position of assistant professor at Wroclaw University of Technology, Division of Medicinal Chemistry and Microbiology. His research is focused on the development of low molecular weight compounds designed to target proteases involved in the pathogenesis of various diseases including cancer, bacterial and viral infections. Work in his laboratory also generates antibodies to be used in the development of new diagnostic assays for human diseases. He is a co-author of more than 40 papers, 14 patents and more than 25 pending patent applications.
For several viral species the successful and complete life cycle, which leads to the production of new virons, requires the activity of specific, viral genome-coded serine protease. The primary function of this protease is the cleavage of viral polyprotein releasing structural and non-structural viral proteins essential for virus replication and the assembly of new virus particles [ ]. We have focused our attention on two viruses belonging to Flaviviridae family – hepatitis C virus (HCV) and West Nile virus (WNV). HCV is a small, enveloped, positive-sense single-stranded RNA virus which can cause acute or chronic infection. It has been estimated that 130–150 million people live with chronic hepatitis C infection worldwide. Unfortunately no effective vaccine for HCV is available. One of the most promising molecular targets for anti-HCV therapy is a protease, which is a part of the bifunctional nonstructural protein 3 (NS3/4A). All of already approved for the treatment of HCV infection compounds display a reversible-type of inhibition. Nevertheless, the appearance of the inhibitor-resistant mutant strains limits the efficiency of the overall treatment. WNV was isolated from human in 1937 in the West Nile district of Uganda. In 1997 highly virulent strain appeared in Israel and caused death of various bird species. In 1999 a pathogenic WNV strain was brought to New York leading to a dramatic outbreak which started to spread throughout Americas. Although the lifecycle of WNV involves the transmission of virus between birds and mosquitoes, various mammalian species, including human and horses, can be infected causing a fatal neurological disease. Currently no vaccine nor effective treatment are available. A viral serine protease (NS2B/NS3) has been considered as an attractive target for the development of novel anti-WNV agents since its inactivation blocks the replication of the virus. Here we report the development of α-aminoalkylphosphonate diaryl esters as well as their peptidyl derivatives as potent, active site-directed and irreversible inhibitors of HCV NS3/4A and WNV NS2B/NS3 proteases. One of the advantages of α-aminophosphonic inhibitors is their specificity of action toward serine proteases and lack of reactivity with cysteine, aspartyl and metalloproteinases [ ]. Moreover, even for two serine proteases of similar substrate recognition profile, a selective and potent phosphonic inhibitor may be developed. Considering high stability in human plasma, irreversible mechanism of action and low toxicity α-aminoalkylphosphonates represent an interesting class of inhibitors for novel antiviral agents development.
Luciana Konecny Kohn
Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP),Brazil
Title: Antiherpetic activity of bacteria on the Antarctic environment

Luciana Konecny Kohn has completed his PhD at the age of 33 years from State University of Campinas (Biology Institute) and postdoctoral studies from State University of Campinas (Biology Institute, Virology Laboratory). She have experience in research of news drugs against antitumor and antiviral from natural products. He has published more than 24 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of repute.
The Antarctic marine ecosystem is an extreme and unique environment that remains relatively unexplored, this environment can reveal and promote the discovery of new secondary metabolites which can presented a wide variety of compounds with antiviral activity. This study aimed was investigated the antiviral potential of these bacteria isolated from marine macro-organisms and sediments derived from Antarctica against to herpes simplex virus type-1. Among the genera identified by sequence analysis of the ribosomal RNA gene few were selected for continuous this study. The extracts were produced from microbial growth on medium and artificial salt water at 20°C and then were subjected to liquid-liquid extraction. Antiviral activity was measured by virus titration technique and calculated the percentage of viral inhibition (PI). The 50% effective concentration (EC50), 50% cytotoxic concentration (CC50), selectivity index (SI) were determined. Experiments with three different types of treatments were conducted to determine on witch phase of the viral cycle sample was acting adsorption or penetration phase, replication phase and virus inactivation. In this study 151 bacteria were isolated and grouped into 29 different genera. About 15 microbial extracts were produced and were tested for antiherpetic activity. The strains Psychrobacter (PI:97% and SI: 1.5) and Brevibacterium (PI:97%) showed activity in virus inactivation, Pseudomonas showed greater activity (PI:100% and SI:8,88) in adsorption phase. These results show the great diversity of bacteria on the Antarctic environment and their anti-herpes potential.
- Special Lecture
Session Introduction
Dharam Ablashi
KHG fiteBac Technology,HHV-6 Foundation,USA
Title: The Antimicrobial Compound, K21, Inhibits Replication of Enveloped and Non-Enveloped DNA and RNA Viruses
Time : 13:10 - 13:40

Dharam V. Ablashi is a microbiologist. He has published over 300 articles on herpesviruses and HIV. His major interests are assessing pathogenic roles of viruses in diseases, and in developing antivirals as therapeutic reagents. He has a BSc, and a D.M.V from Panjab University India, a Dip. Bact from I.V.R.I, and MS in Virology from the University of R.I., USA. He worked 23 years at NIH. In 1986, he co-discovered human herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6), a highly neurotropic and immune suppressive virus. He was as an adjunct professor at Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington, DC, and Director of Herpesvirus Research in a diagnostic company. Currently, the Scientific Director of the HHV-6 Foundation, and the Senior Technology Adviser at KHG fiteBac Technology in Marietta, Georgia.
The K-21 derivative of Quaternary Ammonium Compound (QAC: Dow Corning C5700), as formulated by Dr. Kimmerling in 2011, shows antimicrobial and antifungal activity with minor toxicity. We tested K-21 at different concentrations in different solvents on HSV-1 and HHV-6, and Influenza A, Strain H1N1. HSV-1 replication, and similarly HHV-6 were significantly inhibited as measured by cytopathic effects (CPE), PCR, and inhibition of viral proteins by western blots with a concentration of 0.025%. Influenza A and two non-enveloped RNA viruses (Phage MS2, a surrogate of polio virus and feline norovirus) were also inhibited by K-21 solution within 10 minutes contact. Influenza A was significantly inhibited by lower concentrations of K-21. The two nonenveloped viruses, however, were inhibited by <55%. Higher concentrations of K-21 (0.1%) were required to significantly inhibited feline virus (>98%). While concentrations of 0.025% K- 21 were not toxic, the 0.1% K-21 concentration showed some toxicity yet was tested at only one dilution. K-21 anti-viral effects on HIV-1 strains is currently explored. K-21 is a unique antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal agent, which is potent germicidal topical application against various infections. Further studies are in progress for in vivo applications as a spray or as a hand gel and in other forms for human use.
- Symposium
Session Introduction
Abdelouaheb Benani
Pasteur Institute of Morocco, Morocco
Title: Molecular Epidemiology of HBV and HCV in North Africa
Time : 14:15 - 14:45

Abdelouaheb Benani is the in-charge of Molecular Biology Laboratory at Pasteur Institute of Morocco which is a national reference laboratory for Hepatitis C Program (Moroccan ministry of health). He is also the elect-President of Arab Society for Virology and Active Member on the Advisory Board, Consultative Meeting on Regional Strategy for Prevention and Control of Viral Hepatitis and Other Epidemics-Prone Blood-Borne Diseases, in 2008 (WHO/EMRO, Cairo, Egypt). He got his Master of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology at Université Libre of Bruxelles (ULB, Belgium) and his PhD in Molecular Microbiology in Fes University (Morocco). He participates in several international and national workshops and congresses. He is also implicated in student’s research for their training, master, and PhD. He published in several journals including Journal of Medical Virology, BMC Public Health, and Virology Journal. He is an active researcher in Molecular Epidemiology of HBV and HCV in general population and high risk groups in Morocco. He organized the 1st International Symposium for Virology in Morocco in 2003 (Marrakech, Morocco) and the First PCR Forum and Molecular Typing at Pasteur Institute of Morocco.
Hepatitis B (HBV) and C (HCV) viruses are major public health problems worldwide and serious cause of liver disease that may silently progress toward cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The HCV epidemic in North Africa falls into an ‘intermediate’ range, characterized by a decreasing East-West gradient, with the average seroprevalence estimated between 1.2% and 1.9%. The HBV epidemic is more rampant, as most countries are either classified as highly or intermediately infected. Egypt harbors the highest HCV prevalence globally, with about 15% of the total population having been infected since the parenteral antischitosomal therapy implemented in the 1920s. HBV is less endemic in Egypt, with prevalences averaging around 4%. Libya borders Egypt yet has a lower endemicity for both HBV and HCV, estimated at 2.2% and 1.3% respectively. Tunisia is intermediate for HBV endemicity, with rates for HBsAg positive patients ranging between 4 to 7%, and an even lower HCV seroprevalence, estimated at 0.4% in the general population. The paucity of data for Algeria results in that the only figure for a national prevalence dates from 2009, and it is estimated that 2.5% of the population are HCV-positive. Morocco also falls into the intermediate range of seropositivity, currently standing at 1.58% anti-HCV antibodies and HBsAg at 1.81% for the general population. In terms of genotyping distribution, the predominant HCV genotypes circulating in the general North African population are 1b and 2a/2c for all North African countries, except for Libya and Egypt, which are distinct and both exhibit genotype 4 as the most commonly circulating strain. In Moroccan intravenous drug users, the predominant HCV genotypes were 1a, 3a and 4, which can therefore be caught by sharing needles with an infected person for IDUs, This is the first national study on the genotype profile of Moroccan IDUs living in the northern region of Morocco, and highlights the fact that they are a distinct cohort and display different demographic, serologic, and genotypic profiles. HBV genotype D is predominant in Morocco, as this is the major genotype in Mediterranean countries. High circulation of precore and basal core promoter mutants is common in chronic hepatitis B infection among the Moroccan patients. The introduction of HBV vaccination in the national schedule of new-born vaccination will be the leading strategy to control HBV infection.
Brian L Pearlman
Atlanta Medical Center, USA
Title: Hepatitis C Therapy: History, Standard Of Care, and Future Directions
Time : 14:45 - 15:15

Dr. Pearlman serves as Medical Director for the Center for Hepatitis C at Atlanta Medical Center in Atlanta, Georgia. He is Professor of Medicine at both the Medical College of Georgia and Emory School of Medicine. He completed his undergraduate and medical degree at the University of Miami, Florida and his post-graduate training at the University of Texas, Southwestern and Baylor Medical Center, both in Texas. Dr. Pearlman is widely published in clinical journals including The Lancet, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Clinical Infectious Disease and Lancet Infectious Disease. He is active in both patient care an in teaching physicians, and has been the recipient of numerous teaching awards. He is also an active investigator in hepatitis-C related research.
Chronic hepatitis C infection, which is estimated to infect 170 million persons worldwide, has undergone a rapid evolution in therapy. The goal of treatment is to achieve a sustained virologic response or SVR which has been associated with histologic regression of hepatic fibrosis, improved liver-related mortality and diminished overall mortality. For more than a decade, the standard therapy for genotype 1, the most common worldwide isolate, was peginterferon and ribavirin which achieved at best an SVR rate of 45% but was fraught with a multitude of side effects and usually required 48 weeks of treatment. The past few years has seen the near elimination of interferon and the advent of direct acting antiviral agents including NS3-4A protease inhibitors, NS5a inhibitors and nucleotide and non-nucleotide NS5b polymerase inhibitors, that when used in combination, achieve greater than 90% SVR routinely, even in populations that had been heretofore considered difficult to treat. The duration of treatment ranges from 8 to 24 weeks, and therapy is much easier to tolerate, relative to interferon-containing regimens of the recent past. The major limitation of these contemporary regimens is the cost, although medicoeconomic models have shown them to be cost-effective. Future antiviral regimens for hepatitis C are expected to be active across all genotypes (pangenotypic) and may require as little as six weeks of therapy.
- Current Focus in Virology Research
Session Introduction
Mohamed El Zowalaty
Qatar University,Qatar
Title: Vecoys and becoys, newly developed nanoparticles for targeted destruction of viral and bacterial agents
Time : 15:20 - 15:40

Mohamed El Zowalaty has completed his PhD research work in 2011 at University of Minnesota and postdoctoral studies from Emory University School of Medicine. He is currently appointed as research fellow scientist of infectious diseases and virology at Biomedical Research Center, Qatar. He has published more than 25 articles in peer reviewed scientific journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of scientific virology and microbiology journals. Dr El Zowalaty has been recently featured in the New York Academy of Sciences 2015 meeting as a renowned member for his scientific achievements.
Bacterial and viral infectious diseases pose continuous threat to human and animal health. The current pipeline of anti-infective agents is limited in targeting emerging viral and bacterial pathogens. Over the past decade, nanotechnology has been an extremely hot research topic, among which gold nanoparticles have been intensively investigated in areas, like in vitro assays, in vitro and in vivo imaging, cancer therapy, and drug delivery, due to their super binding and unique optical properties. The preliminary use of nanostars has been recently reported in our study on the future application of nanostars as antiviral and antibacterial agents. It is noteworthy that this is the first study in literature to test the effect of gold nanoparticles using photothermal approach against influenza and coronaviruses. Both gold nanostars and polymersomes were functionalized with regions that attract viruses. After virus attachment, gold nanostars were excited using infrared wavelengths to destroy the virion. After attachment, polymersomes rearrange their structure to encapsulate the virus. Under both situations, viruses can be rendered inactive. Similarly, becoys or bacterial decoy nanoparticles are being studied for their effect on Pseudomonas aeruginoa and other highly resistant bacterial pathogens.
Filippo De Nicolellis
Fiumcello,Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy
Title: Improving in the elderly the communication and availability towards vaccinal campaigns against influenza: A local project in primary health care in North East Italy
Time : 16:00 - 16:20

Filippo de Nicolellis graduated at Rome University “La Sapienza” in 1986, where he specialized in Infectious Diseases in 1990. From 1995 to 2000, he worked as a Family Doctor in Doberdò del Lago/Doberdob (Gorizia) and since 2000 in Fiumicello, Udine, in Friuli Venezia Giulia, in the north-east of Italy. Since 2000, he has also been the President of the medical association “Croce Medica”, which deals with the organization of Health Services and Permanent Training and particularly with Primary Health Care and Emergency.
I will introduce a three-year project focused on developing e-communication and other tools in a rural area of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy. The Medical Association “Croce Medica” is making all efforts in Primary Health Care to increase the rate of people vaccinated against influenza. The association is promoting the use of posters in family doctor’s offices as well as of e-mails to communicate the patients’ dates and procedures for the vaccination against influenza. Furthermore the association e-mails are dispatched by its registered doctors about influenza as well as a request for information about the illness seasonal evolution in the various areas of Friuli Venezia Giulia. As a matter of fact, there has been an increase in the percentage of vaccinated people in the investigated area in the last year, compared to the average data in the territory of Bassa Friulana. I believe all efforts aiming at improving the communication with patients and explaining how to obtain the vaccination against influenza are useful in any case, and they have probably been crucial to achieve a better result than the ASS 5 average one.
Pedro Brandão dos Santos Pedrosa
Leibniz University of Hanover, Germany
Title: Biosafety challenges in face of new or emerging viral pathogens specially in the scenario of an outbreak, in hospitals and research laboratories as well
Time : 16:20 - 16:40

Pedro Brandão dos Santos Pedrosa has a BSc in Microbiology and Immunology, and is a specialist in Biosafety by FIOCRUZ (IPEC). He has completed his first MSc in Immunology from USP (São Paulo State University). His virology experience comprises work with Dengue viruses, Hantaviruses, Mayaro virus, and some degree of training in BSL3 operation and scientific initial work in the Friedrich Loeffler Institut (FLI – INNT). He has 1 article published, 2 articles about to be published and several works presented in congresses on Virology.
The previous theory of the epidemiological transition, that was prevailing in great part of the developed world, has been challenged not only by the worst EHF (caused by EBOV) epidemic ever, which poses a real threat of secondary cases far from Western Africa, but also the endemic HFRS in some regions of Europe (ie. Finland and Germany), and the spreading of H9N2 Influenza type A among humans, WNV in North America, among other viral pathogens. The aim of this talk is not only to provide a conceptual framework of biosafety in face of a now logistically growing number of known viruses, but also to report a number of scientific works of clear relevance concerning the biosafety in the clinical virology and respective research, and finally to propose a multi-center project of research of biosafety in virological research.
Sakshi Sharma
Dayalbagh Educational Institute, India
Title: Mycoviruses infecting human pathogenic fungus

I am Sakshi Sharma, 26 years old. I am currently working as a UGC Junior Research Fellow/ PhD Scholar from DEI. My study basically includes screening, identification, transmission, purification and characterization of mycoviruses. I got best paper presentation/ young system scientist award in the conference, Paritantra (System Society of India) in 2013. I received International Travel grant award by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), under the Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi as a Young Scientist in 2011 to present an oral paper in International conference, Autoimmunity Congress Asia (ACA), Singapore. I have papers published in Indian and international SCI journals.
Candida albicans is widespread yeast; the infections can be short lived, superficial skin irritations to devastating, fatal systemic diseases. The confirmation of viruses in fungi commonly called Mycoviruses or VLP’s. In present study, this human pathogenic fungus was screened for the presence of virus like particles (VLP’s). Negative staining and transmission electron microscopy positively indexed this fungus for the presence of VLP’s. The concentration of VLP’s is good and the particles are isometric in shape with 40 to 66 nm in size. Further, treated with cycloheximide (50 µg/ml) revealed the complete elimination of VLP’s. Extraction and purification of nucleic acid from CF 11 column chromatography gave positive results whereas extraction from SDS phenol was found to be unsuccessful. For establishing the nature of nucleic acid, RNAse and DNAse treatment was followed. DNAse treatment and high salt (1SSC) did not revealed any band in Candida albicans whereas low salt (0.01SSC) RNAse test of Candida albicans reveals a band which concluded that the nature of nucleic acid is dsRNA. Subsequently, thermo melting confirms the nature of nucleic acid. Current finding may help in understanding and using the dsRNA mycovirus in fungal bio-control, fungal infections and also magnifies our knowledge of virus ecosystem and development.
- Respiratory and Emerging/Re-emerging Viruses

Farshad Guirakhoo

C. Yong Kang
Western University,Canada
Session Introduction
Jiehao Cai
Children’s Hospital of Fudan University,China
Title: Prevalence, genetic drift of haemagglutinin, and antiviral resistance of influenza viruses circulating in Shanghai in children during 2009-2013
Time : 15:35 - 15:55

Cai Jiehao has gained the master's degree from Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University in 2013.Then, he worked at Children’s Hospital of Fudan University.( Which ranked best children hospital in China inlast year). He is a pediatrician in department of Infectious Diseases. His research areas is epidemiology and the clinical treatment of infectious diseases. He has published 2 papers in reputed journals.
Influenza A/H3N2 viruses are associated with the most severe epidemics. Antiviral resistance and continued antigenic drift are the major concerns regarding the prophylaxis and treatment of influenza. The objectives of this study were to investigate the prevalence and frequency of antiviral drug resistance in influenza A/H3N2 viruses circulating among Shanghainese children from June 2009 to May 2012 and to understand the genetic evolution of the haemagglutinin (HA) epitopes. Nasopharyngeal/throat swabs were collected from outpatients with influenza-like illness. Of the 3475 children tested, 344 (9.9%) were positive for influenza A/H3N2 viruses. Epidemics of influenza A/H3N2 occurred in July-September 2009, August 2010-January 2011, and November 2011-May 2012. The 71 A/H3N2-positive specimens were sequenced to characterize the genotypic antiviral resistance and genetic drift in the HA epitopes. All of the 71 A/H3N2 viruses sequenced were genotypically resistant to adamantine but sensitive to oseltamivir. The HA1 sequence analysis revealed that the A/H3N2 viruses underwent constant mutations in the HA antigenic sites over the three seasons compared with the corresponding vaccine strains, and amino acid changes in at least three epitopes were observed each season. Phylogenic analyses indicated that the A/H3N2 strains circulating in Shanghai fell into clades different from those of the corresponding seasonal vaccine strains and were grouped into the A/Perth/16/2009 genetic clade and the A/Victoria/208/2009 genetic clades 3B, 3C, and 5. The continuous monitoring of genetic drift and antiviral resistance of influenza viruses is important for the management of influenza and for updating the vaccine composition.
Chunyan Liu
Capital Medical University,China
Title: Adenovirus Infection in Children with Acute Lower Respiratory Tract Infections in Beijing, China, 2007 to 2012
Time : 15:55 - 16:15

Chunyan Liu, assistant researcher, has completed her PhD in 2014 from Capital Medical University. She has been working in virology deparment, Beijing Pediatric Research Institute, Beijing Children’s Hospital since 1996. She won the WHO and ESCV fellowship to study at virolgy department, Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control (SMI) in 2003 and 2004. She has participated in numerous projects and studies in respiratory and virology and published over 20 papers in related aspects. She is the secretory of China National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Diseases.
Human adenoviruses (HAdV) play a significant role in pediatric respiratory tract infections. To date, over 60 types of HAdV have been identified. Respiratory specimens were collected from pediatric patients with ALRTIs in the emergency department or from those admitted to Beijing Children’s Hospital between March 2007 and December 2012. Infections with common respiratory viruses were determined by PCR or RT-PCR. HAdV positive samples were further typed by PCR and sequencing. Among 3356 patients with ALRTIs, 194 (5.8%) were found to have HAdV infection. HAdV infection was primarily confined to children (88.35%) less than 5 years of age. A total of 11 different types of HAdV were detected throughout the study period, with HAdV-B7 (49.0%) and HAdV-B3 (26.3%) as the most prevalent types, followed by HAdV-C2 (7.7%) and HAdVC1 (4.6%). Newly emerging and re-emergent types or variants, HAdV-B55, HAdV-C57, and HAdV-B14p1, were identified. Results also included the reported first case of co-infection with HAdV-C2 and HAdV-C57. Clinical entities of patients with single HAdV infection were similar to those with mixed HAdV/respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections. Patients with HAdV-B7 infection had longer duration of fever and higher serum levels of muscle enzymes than HAdV-B3-infected patients.During the study period, HAdV-B7 and HAdV-B3 were the predominant types identified in pediatric ALRTIs. HAdV-B7 infection tends to have more severe clinical consequences. The presence of newly emerging types or variants and co-infection with different types of HAdV highlights the need for constant and close surveillance of HAdV infection.
Fahad A Alhizab
College of Veterinary Medicine, King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia
Title: Searching for the potential Reservoir of MERCoV in positive dromedary camel Populations

Fahad A Alhizab is working as professor and dean in College of Veterinary Medicine, King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia.
Middle East Respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERSCoV) is one of the major health concerns not only in Saudi Arabia but also worldwide. This is due to the high morbidity, and mortality among the affected people up to 60 %. Others and we has been recently reported the presence of neutralizing antibodies in sera of dromedary camels in different regions of Saudi Arabia. We also reported for the first time the complete genome sequencing of MERSCoV from camels and deposited these sequences in the gene bank. Viruses isolated from camels are quiet identical to that of human moreover, camel viruses are able to replicate in human cells of respiratory origins both in vitro and ex vivo model. However, the exact mechanism of transmission from camels to human still unidentified. There might be other options such as presence of unidentified intermediate host or insects that completing the circuit from dromedary camels to human. To test this hypothesis, we selected one farm previously showed the presence of the virus last year. Samples have been collected from different birds live close by this dromedary camel herd such as doves, sparrow as well as from mites, ticks, ticks, mosquitoes, flies. Swabs and sera were collected from the indicated birds as well as from camels. Total RNAs were collected from the indicated birds as well as from flies, mites, ticks and mosquitoes. Detection of the virus was done by the standard Real time PCR kits using the RDRP primers and probes. Detection of the viral antibodies was done by the Pseudovirus particle neutralization Assay. Our results showed that the only animal showing neutralizing antibodies to MERSCoV is dromedary camels whereas, none of the tested sera from other species showed any titre for MERS. Meanwhile, swabs from tested birds, flies and mosquitoes were negative as well. These results suggested that transmission of MERS is much more complicated than expected. We suggest the continuous search for the intermediate host of MERs among other species of animals and birds or even rodents and bats. Further studies are currently in progress to explore the potential roles of camels in the transmission of MERS as well as the possibility of other intermediate hosts if any.
MarÃa Karla MartÃnez
Faculty of Biology. University of Havana. Cuba

MarÃa Karla MartÃnez is working as professor in Natural Antiviral Laboratory,Department of Microbiology and Virology, Faculty of Biology, University of Havana, Cuba.
This study proposed theevaluation of four multiplex real timePCR for the diagnosis of 15 human respiratory viruses causing acute respiratory infection, as well as the introduction of the optimized system for the diagnosis and laboratory surveillance. For the optimization of multiplex real time PCR 352 nasopharyngeal swabs from July-August 2013 were used, multiplex RT-PCR was used as ¨gold standard¨ technique. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values and kappa index of multiplex real time PCR was determined. Efficiency of simple and multiplex real time PCR was calculated by calibration curve and slope determination. In addition, laboratory diagnosis in the period September 2013 to May 2014 with the optimized multiplex real time PCR was performed. Of the total of samples processed for optimization, 162 were positive by multiplex real time PCR and 112 by gold standard technique. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and average kappa of the evaluation assays was 100%, 98.4%, 67%, 100% and 0.8, respectively. Furthermore, efficiency values for multiplex real time PCR systems were in the range 90.30 % to 103.09 % similar to those obtained by the simple system. Introduction of optimized assays allowed the detection of 1290 clinical samples positive for respiratory viruses, with the highest positivity percentage for human respiratory syncytial virus, 47.83%. In summary, multiplex real time PCR was more sensitive than multiplex RT-PCR and the efficiency values were similar to the simple real time PCR. These optimized systems allowed to update the algorithm for the diagnosis and surveillance of respiratory viruses in Cuba.

Dr.A.K.Prasad is the currently working as President of Indian Virological Society.He is also the chairman of Influenza Foundation of India.He was elected Fellow of the Geriatric Society of India (FGSI) 2014 at their Nagpur Convention (8-9 November, 2014).He has also Published over 60 Research Papers in national & International Journals & 3 Books (Chapter on Influenza).He has also received Life Time Achievement Award conferred by the Geriatric Society of India on 06th November, 2014 at the Vaccine Advocacy for the S E Asian Countries held at Delhi.
A disease known almost from the time civilization begun high morbid and mortality has been associated with Influenza. Record suggested the reason to stop WW 1; one was the disease influenza which had devastating effect in human as well as in swine. The H1N1 virus was highly pathogenic to man as well as swine. This influenza pandemic estimated to have killed 40-50 million human lives, more than the WW 1. Past century has seen two more influenza pandemics with equally devastating effect. In 1918-1919 the virus affected both human & swine. The influenza pandemic started with Swine in Mexico (2009) causing infection in human there spread very fast to USA and all over the world in just 3-months. A pandemic was declared by WHO. The virus responsible for this had three mutation received genes from swine, human as well as birds (H1N1) although very invasive but had low pathogenicity and the deaths recorded was very few as compared to other influenza pandemics, world has seen. Interestingly, this virus has replaced the old H1N1 from the influenza preventive seasonal vaccine as not seen in circulation. The main concern today is that although human influenza strains are few but today human lives under a threat of influenza from other hosts mainly the bird influenza. Domesticated and the wild birds have all the influenza viral strains known till today in all combinations of H & N. The threat started when 18 farm persons got infected in 1997 from birds and 6 died making this virus as most pathogenic and the infection was directly from the diseased birds. This was unknown. Till then, there used to be one intermediary host working as biological incubator. Total killing of the bird population contained the infection but since 2003-4 human cases has been observed in South East Asian Countries. A pandemic due to H5N1 has been in waiting to take place and could be started anywhere. But this is not the only bird influenza virus posing pandemic fear in human; today several other avian (HPAI) are lurking around to become pandemic human stain. Preventive human seasonal vaccine is available but no pandemic vaccine since the influenza pandemic remains unknown.
- Symposium
Session Introduction
Maged Gomaa Hemida
King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia
Title: The Current Emerging and Re-emergent Viral Diseases Threats
Time : 13:40 - 14:10

Dr. Hemida received his Ph.D from University of Guelph, 2009. He pursued his PDF training at the the University of British Columbia (James Hogg iCapture Centre). His research area of interest is “One Health Concept†with special emphasis on emerging viruses/host interaction. Currently, studying the molecular evolution and pathogenesis of MERSCoV in the Middle East. He published more than 40 original Research papers on high impacted journals. Meanwhile, he received several Research grants, prestigious honors and scholarship throughout his academic carrier. Currently, he is a reviewer of many granting agencies as well as editorial board member of many international journals
- Viral Immunology

C. Yong Kang
Western University,Canada

Maged Gomaa Hemida
King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia
Session Introduction
Bala Chandran
Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science,USA
Title: Nuclear innate sensor IFI16 recognition of hepresviral genomes and inflammasome and IFN-β responses
Time : 14:10 - 14:30

Dr. Chandran received his M.S. from JIPMER, Pondicherry, and his Ph.D. degree from AIIMS, New Delhi, India in 1979. Dr. Chandran's postdoctoral experience includes positions at the Cancer Research Group at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada and at the University of Florida, Gainesville. He was appointed Assistant Professor in the Department of Microbiology, University of Kansas Medical Center in 1986, and then Professor in 1996. Dr. Chandran joined the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science on July 1, 2005 as Professor and Chair. He has published more than 150 papers
The innate immune system NOD-like and AIM2-like receptors are cytoplasmic inflammasome sensors of foreign molecules, including DNA and elicit pro-inflammatory IL-1ï¢, IL-18 or interferon β (IFN-β) responses. We have shown that IFI16, a sequence-independent nuclear innate sensor, recognizes the episomal dsDNA genomes of herpes viruses such as KSHV, EBV, and HSV-1 in the infected cell nuclei, forms an inflammasome complex with ASC and procaspase1, and relocates into the cytoplasm leading into Caspase-1 and IL-1β generation. IFI16 also induces IFN-β during HSV-1 infection via the cytoplasmic STING-IRF3 pathway. Whether IFI16 recognizes foreign DNA directly or utilizes other host protein(s), and the mechanisms of IFI16-inflammasome formation, cytoplasmic redistribution and STING activation were not known. Our studies demonstrate that BRCA1 is in complex with IFI16 in the host cell nucleus, and their association increases in the presence of nuclear viral genomes during de novo KSHV, EBV and HSV-1 infection, and in latent KSHV or EBV infection. Our findings highlight that BRCA1 plays a hitherto unidentified innate immunomodulatory role by facilitating nuclear foreign DNA sensing by IFI16, assembly and cytoplasmic distribution of IFI16-inflammasomes, IL-1β and IFN-β formation. Our studies also demonstrate that recognition of herpesvirus genomes in the nucleus by IFI16 leads into its interaction with histone acetyltransferase p300 and IFI16 acetylation resulting in IFI16-ASC interaction, inflammasome assembly, cytoplasmic redistribution, caspase-1 activation, IL-1β production, interaction with STING, and IFN-β production. Collectively, our studies identify the increased nuclear acetylation of IFI16 as a dynamic essential post-genome recognition event in the nucleus that is common to the IFI16-mediated innate responses of inflammasome induction and IFN-β production during herpesvirus infections.
C. Yong Kang
Western University,Canada
Title: Engineering of Highly Efficient Recombinant Viral Vectors for Development of Prime-Boost Vaccines Against Viral Diseases
Time : 14:30 - 14:50

C. Yong Kang has completed his PhD from McMaster University in Canada and post-doctoral training at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He served as a Professor of Virology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Professor and Chairman at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Medicine, and Dean of Science at the University of Western Ontario. He has published 137 peer reviewed research papers and 151 scientific proceedings and abstracts. He holds nine international biotechnology patents. He received numerous awards including the Ho-Am Prize in Medicine. He is a Life-time Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada Academy of Science. He serves as a reviewer for eight international journals.
In order to induce the maximum immune responses, the priming recombinant viral vector should be antigenically distinct from the boost vaccine vector. We have engineered safer and highly efficient recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) vaccine vectors using two antigenically distinct Indiana serotype (VSVInd) and New Jersey serotype (VSVNJ). The M51R mutation in the M gene of VSVInd was combined with a temperature sensitive mutation of the VSVInd Orsay tsO23 for priming vaccine vector [rVSVInd(GML)]. In addition, we have engineered VSVNJ vaccine vector by combining M48R+M51R mutation with G22E and L110F mutations in the M gene of VSVNJ [VSVNJ(GMML)] for boosting vaccine vector. The combined mutations of G21E/M51R/L111A in the M protein of VSVInd [rVSVInd(GML)] significantly reduced the burst size of the virus by up to 10,000 fold at a semi-permissive temperature of 37°C without affecting the level of protein expression. Mice injected with one million infectious particles of rVSVInd(GML) into the brain showed no neurological dysfunctions or any other adverse effects. In contrast, only one thousand wild-type VSVInd killed mice within four days. To examine the CD8+ T cell and B cell responses against the proteins of interest expressed from the rVSV vectors, we generated rVSVs with HIV-1gag, pol and/or env genes. From the various vaccination regimens tested in mice, priming with rVSVInd(GML)-HIV-1gag, pol, and/or env and boosting with rVSVNJ(GMML)-HIV-1gag, pol, and/or env induced the strongest CD8+ T cell immune responses against HIV-1 Gag, Pol, and Env proteins. The same vaccination regimen also induced strong humoral immune responses against HIV-1 Gag and Env proteins in mice. This is our unique platform technology and is useful for development of vaccines against many other viral diseases.
Hye Kyung Chung
Advanced BioScience Laboratories,USA
Title: Transcription Profiling of CD4+ T Cells in Rhesus Macaques Infected with Simian-Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Re-challenged with SIVmac251
Time : 14:50 - 15:10

Dr. Hye Kyung Chung completed her Ph.D from Kun-kuk University, and subsequently studied the pathogenesis and molecular mechanism of retroviruses as a postdoctoral fellow at the National Institutes of Health. She is a senior staff scientist at ABL, a contract research and manufacturing service organization. The majority of her research career has been studying anti-viral immunity, molecular virology, and pathogenesis of human and animal lentiviruses. She currently studies NHP models of retroviral latency and reactivation. Dr. Chung continues to develop cutting-edge new assays to study vaccines, pathogenesis, and viral reservoirs.
We previously identified distinct gene expression profiles in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of viral controllers versus non-controllers. To further define the molecular mechanisms of protective innate and adaptive immune responses elicited by heterologous challenge, we re-challenged SHIV-infected macaques that had undetectable levels of viremia with SIV mac251, and compared the gene expression profiles of different infection outcomes. MHC-1 protective alleles contributed in part to limit viral replication, although the control of virus by adaptive immunity could not be ruled out. Plasma viral RNA load was markedly controlled in four of the challenged animals at the set point (protectors), conversely two animals had persistent high viremia throughout the monitoring period of 160 days (non-protectors). Analysis of the cellular gene expression profiles in the CD4+ T cells at early time points from all tested animals revealed distinct gene expression signatures between protectors and non-protectors. Using the Local-Pooled-Error test specifically designed for analyzing gene expression data with a small sample size, eight genes (MX1, MX2, IFI27, JAK2, LMO2, TYROBP, ‘FCN1, and S100A9) were identified as potential protective biomarkers, after adjusting for the large number of false positives from the high throughput gene expression data analysis. Pathway analyses revealed that these 8 genes are associated with the IFN pathway, and are down-regulated in protectors compared to non-protectors. This study suggests that high level expression of type 1 IFN-related genes may paradoxically promote virus replication.
Pavel Bostik
Charles University School of Medicine ,Czech Republic
Title: Mechanisms of apoptosis induced in immune cells directly od indirectly by virus infection
Time : 15:10 - 15:30

Pavel Bostik completed his MD at Charles University School of Medicine in Prague, Czech Republic in 1990 and his PhD at FMHS in Czech Republic. He conducted his postdoctoral studies the University of Iowa School of Medicine. He subsequently worked at the Emory University School of medicine in Atlanta, GA until 2009. He is the Vice Dean for Research at the FMHS and Professor at Charles University School of Medicine in Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic. He has published more than 50 papers in reputed journals. His focus is in the effect of viral infections on intracellular signaling in T cells
Apoptosis of immune cells is an important factor in pathogenesis of certain viral diseases. Specifically those viruses, which target directly immune cells - e.g. lymphocytes - manifest often, at least in part, with increased cell death with consequent immune deficits. Typically in the diseases like HIV infection, the virus targets CD4+ T cells, which then undergo apoptosis or activation induced cell death at an increasing rate. Other viruses, e.g. some herpetic viruses are known to infect immune cells, but the role of this infection in the immune response of the host is not clear. The potential of other viruses, such as HCV, to target directly immune cells is still being discussed. Several pathways, which can serve as targets for virus-induced dysregulation of immune cells, can have a significant effect on apoptosis. One of the important ones is mediated by Akt kinase. This kinase is regulated mainly by phosphorylation of two sites - Ser473 and Thr310. The phosphorylation status of these sites dictates downstream signaling through GSK3beta, which manifests by phosphorylation of its Ser9 site. We show, that several viruses mentioned above exert significant effects on this pathway, which, in turn, correlates with the rate of apoptosis of T lymphocytes.
Vladimir Berezin
Institute of Mcrobiology and Virology,Kazakhstan.
Title: Triterpen saponins isolated from plants indigenous to Kazakhstan as efficient adjuvants for mucosal immunization
Time : 15:50 - 16:10

Vladimir Berezin has completed his PhD at the age of 28 years from Ivanovsky Institute of Virology in Moscow (Russia) and postdoctoral studies in same Institute. He was a director of the Institute of Microbiology and Virology in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Currently he is the head of Department of Virology in the Institute of Microbiology and Virology in Almaty, Kazakhstan
Highly purified low toxicity immunostimulatory triterpen saponins GlabiloxTM and AsgipanTM were isolated from Glycyrrhiza glabra and Aesculus hippocastanum plants indigenous to Kazakhstan. These saponins were used for assembling of immunostimulating nanocomplexes (ISCOMs) contained purified HA and NA influenza virus antigens and for preparation of saponin/lipid particulate SAPOMAX adjuvant. Immunostimulation activity and protection capacity of two kinds of influenza vaccine preparations: subunit vaccine based ISCOMs and whole virus inactivated influenza vaccine contained SAPOMAX adjuvant were studied in mice immunization experiments at intranasal and subcutaneous routes of immunization. It was shown that single intranasal immunization of subunit vaccine based ISCOMs contained GlabiloxTM or AsgipanTM saponins stimulated high levels of IgM, IgA, IgG1, IgG2a and IgG2b antibody, good production of IL-2, IL-4, IL-10 and IFN-γ cytokines and protected animals against lethal influenza virus infection. Activity of antibody and cytokines production as well as protective immunity after single intranasal immunization of ISCOMs vaccine was comparable with immune responses and protection after subcutaneous administration of vaccine preparation. Whole virus inactivated influenza vaccine mixed with SAPOMAX adjuvant was studied in mice immunization experiments at intranasal route of immunization. It was shown that intranasal immunization of whole virus inactivated influenza vaccine mixed with SAPOMAX adjuvant stimulated high levels of antibody and cellular immune responses and protection against lethal influenza infection. The results of study have shown that purified triterpen saponins GlabiloxTM and AsgipanTM isolated from plants indigenous to Kazakhstan may be used as efficient adjuvants for creation of influenza vaccine preparations intended for mucosal (intranasal) immunization.
Azra Fatima
University of Cologne, Germany
Title: Reprogramming of Somatic Cells to Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Using Viral Vectors for Regenerative Medicine Therapy

Dr. Azra Fatima completed her PhD in 2011 at the University of Cologne, Germany. She continued Postdoc fellow for one year and subsequently she became an independent group leader of the Cologne-Fortune research grant in 2014. Dr. Fatima worked in active collaboration with the University of Harvard and University of North Carolina. Dr. Fatima research efforts led to have excellent publication track record in the fields of human and murine embryonic stem cell and cardiovascular disease modeling by generating human cardiovascular diseased patient fibroblasts reprogrammed into human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPS) for cardiomyocytes generation for the heart transplantation potential. She used retroviral vectors integrated with reprogramming factors in it to generate hiPS.
Human somatic cells can be reprogrammed into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS). iPS cells have a regenerative potential similar to that of human embryonic stem cells (ES cells), which may serve as source of cells for tissue repair (transplantation), in-vitro disease modelling and drug toxicity assays. A number of methods have been developed for converting adult somatic cells into a pluripotent from which ethically acceptable patient specific mature cells of interest can be derived. Successful reprogramming of skin fibroblasts to iPS cells can be achieved by ectopic expression of stemness factors. Here, I will discuss the various conventional methods of reprogramming using lenti-virus, retro-virus, adeno-virus and sendai-virus as a viral vectors. These methods although had a lot of disadvantages but led to fast progress in the stem cell research fields. The pros and cons of the use of viruses for reprogramming will be discussed with the advancement in the field a lot of non-viral approaches, which has been recently introduced.
- Agriculture and Plant Virology
Session Introduction
Vijay Kumar
International centre for Genetic Enginereing and Biotechnology,India
Title: The HBx oncoprotein of hepatitis B virus promotes cell transformation by stimulating rDNA transcription and ribosome biogenesis
Time : 16:30 - 16:50

Vijay Kumar is currently a J.C. Bose Fellow at the the International centre for Genetic Enginereing and Biotechnology (ICGEB), New Delhi. He completed his Ph.D from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India and post-doctoral research at the Institute of Chemical Biology, Strasbourg, France. He has been a Principal Invstigator and head of the Virology Group at ICGEB. He has published over 100 papers in reputed journals and served as editorial board member of many journals. He is also a fellow of three Indian Science Academies of India.
The pleiotropic HBx oncoprotein of Hepatitis B virus is well known to promote the expression of several host proteins that are known to support the development and progression of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Further, HBx engages multiple signalling and growth-promoting pathways to enhance ribosome biogenesis and cell proliferation. Interestingly, hepatic tumors show elevated levels of host Upstream Binding Factor (UBF) and nucleophosmin (NPM) that are essential for rDNA transcription and ribosome biogenesis. However, their role in cell transformation remains elusive. We investigated the oncogenic activity of UBF and NPM after co-expressing them with HBx in immortalized human hepatocytes (IHH) and human hepatoma Huh7 cells. We found that HBx stabilized the intracellular levels of NPM protein and translocated it into the nucleolus where it facilitated the recruitment of RNA polymerase I transcriptional machinery and enhanced rDNA transcription. Besides, HBx stimulated the expression of UBF gene by enhancing c-Myc occupancy on the UBF gene promoter. Enhanced UBF expression led to a marked increase in cell proliferation and transformation of IHH cells. Thus, our study provides some compelling evidences in support of HBx-mediated increase in NPM and UBF levels that abet oncogenic onslaught in hepatic cells by increasing rDNA transcription and ribosome biogenesis.
Sana Khalifa Mukhtar Badawi
University of Kordofan,Sudan
Title: Molecular Studies on Tomato Leaf Curl Virus (TLCV) in Bara, Sudan
Time : 16:50 - 17:10

I am Associate professor I participate in workshops a conferences at USA, France, Italy, Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco and Emirate. I am completed my PhD in field of plant pathology (virology) at age of 44 year from University of Khartoum, Sudan
Tomato samples with typical symptoms of Tomato Yellow leaf curl Disease (TYLCD) were collected open field and green house from Bara town (North Kordofan State) in Sudan. PCR was used to identify the pathogen using degenerate primers of Geminiviruses (AVcore and ACcore). To determine exactly the virus strain, multiplex PCR was used with sets of specific primers for tomato yellow leaf curl virus Almeria strain (TYLCV-Alm), tomato yellow leaf curl virus Israel strain (TYLCV-IL), tomato yellow leaf curl mild strain (TYLCV-mld) and tomato yellow leaf curl virus Sardinia strain (TYLCSV). All samples were positive with degenerate primers and negative with all other specific primers. PCR products were cloned and sequenced and the results showed that all isolates tested were found to be related to Tomato leaf curl Sudan virus. The highest nucleotide identities (>95%) were obtained with members of the species from Sudan and Yemen.
Elsayed Hafez
City of Scientific Research and Technology Applications,Egypt
Title: Two isolates of potatovirus Y(PVY) infected potato and their impact on potato production in Egypt

HE hold a PhD in Bacteriology from Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt. Currently, he is a professor of molecular biology at the Department of Plant Protection and Biomolecular Diagnosis, City of Scientific Research and Technology Applications, Alexandria, Egypt. He is the Head of the Department of Plant protection and Biomolecular Diagnosis. He has published more than 110 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of repute.
Potato virus Y(PVY) is an important virus that infectssolanaceous crops in Egypt. The virus belongs to the genus Potyvirus, family Potyviridae. To examine the presence and distribution of the virus, sempatomology samples were collected from different governrate in Egypt. Virus dteremination was performed on the collected plant samples using ELISA. Moreover, sap of ELISA positive samples was used for mechanical transmissionon different nicotiana plant hosts and the viral symptoms appeared as mild mosaic onNicotianatabacum cv. Samsun and mosaic and leaf deformation onN. whiteburley, but it appeared as vein clearing and mosaic onN. glutinosa.Theviralcoat protein gene (PVY-CP) was amplified using RT-PCR and band of ~900bp size was observed.Sequenceand the sequence analysisof the nucleotides of PVY-CP showed a high similarity with the other PVY coat proteingenes. The CP gene of Borg El-Arab is closely related to CP France isolate with similarity 95%. Whenever, the coat protein isolated from Kafr El-Zayatsampleswas closely related to PVY-CP Germany isolate with identity 90 %. To differentiate between the two expected PVY isolates, sequence alignment and RFLP using three different restriction enzymes and results confirm that Egypt have at least to isolates from PVY. Plant-viral interaction was examined on three potato cultivars (Spunta, Cara and Diamont) when inoculated with the partial purified PVY particles. The Real Time PCR results revealed that the expression of the viral coat protein was highin Spuntaculivarwhen compared with the other two cultivars.
Sunil Kumar Snehi
Barkatullah University,India
Title: Molecular studies and genetic diversity of begomovirus/es infecting cucurbitaceous crops in India

Dr. Sunil Kumar Snehi is a Assistant Professor in Department of Microbiology, Barkatullah University, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. He obtained his Ph. D. degree (2012) from University of Lucknow, Lucknow and CSIR-National botanical Research Institute, Lucknow on “Molecular studies of virus/es causing severe mosaic disease in Jatropha species cultivated in India and development of their management strategiesâ€. Dr. Snehi has more than 09 years of research experience on area of plant virology. Dr. Snehi has worked on molecular detection, identification and characterization of Begomovirus, Cucumber mosaic virus, Potyvirus and Phytoplasma species from various horticulture, ornamental, weed and economically important crop plants of India. He has published 56 research papers in national and international repute journals and published 04 book chapters in international published books. Dr. Snehi has received International Travel grant awards by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), under the Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi as a Young Scientist on 02.09.2014 to present a research paper in the “4th World Congress on Virology†held on October 06-08, 2014) San Antonio, TX, USA.
Cucurbitaceous crops grown in India have their economic importance as vegetables and as fruits. The begomoviruses and their associated diseases in cucurbit crops are emerging problems throughout India. Begomoviruses cause a number of serious diseases of cultivated crops and they are considered as the major constrains for cultivation of several crops all over the world. Begomoviruses cause some typical symptoms of yellow mosaic, yellow vein, yellow vein net, leaf curl, distortions, enation, growth stunting and fruit deformation resulting in drastic reduction of yield and market quality of various cucurbitaceous crops grown all over India. The yellow mosaic and yellow vein symptoms were observed on bitter gourd (Momordica charantia), pointed gourd (Trichosanthes dioica), pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo), pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima), sponge gourd (Luffa cylendrica), ridged gourd (L. acutangula) and cucumber (Cucumis sativus) being cultivated in Utter Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh during a survey. The presence of begomovirus was detected from the total DNA extracted from infected leaf samples of these species by PCR using the specific primers of a well characterized begomovirus. The ~800 bp amplicons of these isolates were cloned, sequenced and data obtained were compared with each other and with sequence database available in GenBank for best sequence identities and phylogenetic relationships. Based on highest 97-99% sequence identities and closest phylogenetic relationships, four representative begomovirus species were identified as Ageratum enation virus (from T. dioica), Squash leaf curl China virus (from C. maxima); Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (from M. charantia, L. cylendrica and L. acutangula) and Tomato leaf curl Palampur virus (from C. pepo). These results suggested existence of a high genetic diversity among begomoviruses infecting cucrbitaceous crops. The details of research finding will be discus in the conference.

Isabel Garcia-Luqueg is working as associate professor in University of Seville,Spain.
We have isolated de cDNA and characterized the Tetraspanin 8 (Tet8) from C. chinense plants whose mRNA its induced in both compatible and incompatible interactions with the Italian and Spanish strains of Pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV-I and –S) respectively. Its induction it is associated to ethylene induced PR2-gn1 mRNA but not to the salycilic acid-induced PR1 mRNA. It is located at both the plasmodesmata and cellular membranes and its Agrobacterium-mediated overexpression in Nicotiana benthamiana plants inhibits both the local and systemic movement of the tobamoviruses PMMoV-S and Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) without affecting viral replication. This inhibition is specific for the members of the tobamoviruses group assayed but it doesn’t have any effect on Potato Virus X, Tobacco Rattle Virus nor in Plum Pox Virus. Assay with transgenic N. benthamiana plants in which either the salycilic acid or jasmonic acid production are inhibited revealed that none of this defence responses are involved in the inhibition of viral movement, so implying that is the ethylene-mediated defence response the metabolic route implied. Furthermore, the overexpression of TET-8 in N. benthamiana plants leads to a Programmed cell death (PCD) associated to nuclear death, overproduction of ROS and it is associated to vacuolar programmed cell death, being for the first time that a tetraspanin in plants is associated to cell death.

Dr. Eybishtz Assaf has completed his PhD from Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment On the issue of "Characterization of Genes Differentially Expressed in Tomato yellow left curl virus (TYLCV) Resistant and Susceptible Tomato Lines: Analysis of Involvement in TYLCV Resistance". Today he is a tomato breeder and Turkey R&D managing director in Tomatech R&D Ltd. He has published 6 papers in reputed journals
Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) is a whitefly-transmitted geminivirus which causes devastating loss of tomato crops worldwide. This study is based on the known resistance alleles Ty-1, Ty-3 which mapped to different region on chromosome 6. Recent publication suggests they rather be alleles of the same gene (Verlaan; 2013). we collaborated with Dr. Rotem Neta from the Hebrew University and DYN Diagnostics LTD aimed to identify Real Time PCR (RT-PCR) based marker linked to gene confer resistance, a new RT-PCR markers, TY-13 found more reliable in our tested lines. We tested plants from 9 Tomatech commercial hybrids and 34 different lines from F-3 till F-10 generation lines. TY1 match in 72.22 %, TY3 match in 77.77% and TY13 match in 81.11% to the symptom scoring. The added advantage was while TY1 and TY3 markers mismatch was false positive and negative, TY13 mismatch was only false positive, meaning no sensitive plant escaped from TY13 marker. Further test was made on 376 plants, from 4 different commercial hybrids and 11 different F2 populations. In this analysis we identified four performances: full match between Ty1-Ty3-Ty13, match only between Ty1- Ty13, match only between Ty3- Ty13 and incompatibility between Ty1, Ty3, Ty13. The correlation between the markers was 80% for TY1, 73% for TY3 and 90% for TY13. TY3 marker didn’t respond on one of our F2 populations from the S. habrochaites source, while TY13 fits to TY1 and clearly identified with the symptom scoring. These results confirmed the reliability and the advantage of using TY13 marker. TY13 identify resistance from several sources, reduces the need of using two different markers in parallel, and increasing the reliability of the decision in the breeding process.
Indian Agricultural Research Institute,India
Title: Indian Citrus Ring Spot Mandrivirus, Its Diagnosis And Management

Professor Ahlawat completed his PhD from Agra University. He joined Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi in 1968 and retired as Principal Scientist and Professor of Virology in 2005. Presently he is Emeritus Scientist in Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. He has published more than 150 papers in reputed journals. He handled several National and International Projects related to Plant virology. He served several Professional societies in various capacities. He served as President of Indian Phytopathological Society and Secretary General of Indian Society of Citriculture. He supervised 12 PhD students who are holding good positions in Academic Institute and Universites.
As the name indicates, Indian citrus ring spot disease was originally reported from India and so far it is restricted to India. Field affected trees show typical yellow rings in most of the leaves. The incidence of the disease ranged from 5-83.8% and a yield loss was estimated from 20.5 to 98.38%. Natural infection of Indian citrus ring spot virus (ICRSV) was observed in sweet oranges, mandarins, limes and lemons. ICRSV is transmitted by grafts and by mechanical inoculation from citrus to herbaceous hosts like Chenopodium amaranticolor, C. quinoa, French bean, soybean, cowpea and Vicia faba major. No vector is known but virus particles were observed in pollen grains. A filamentous virus of 650 x 13 nm with clearly visible cross banding was associated with the disease. Indian citrus ring spot virus is the only current member of the genus Mandrivirus in the family Flexiviridae. ICRSV genome is positive sense single stranded RNA of about 7.5 kb without poly-A tail and with a coat protein of 34kDa. ICRSV have 6% nucleic acid. The viral genome was fully sequenced which consists of 7560 nucleotides. It contains 6 open reading frames (ORFs) which encode putative proteins of 187.3, 25,12, 6.4, 34 kDa respectively. Function of ORF 6 is unknown which differentiate ICRSV from Potexviruses.. ICRSV was detected in ELISA, ISEM, DIBA, Nucleic acid hybridization, Western blotting and RT-PCR. The virus can be eliminated by shoot tip grafting and replacing infected trees with healthy plants.
Mohammad Akmal
Jamia Millia Islamia,India
Title: Gene silencing through microRNAs in Gossypium hirsutum L. against Cotton leaf curl virus

Dr. Mohammed did his Ph. D. in Biotechnology in 2011 he has good academic record and published scientific papers in well reputed peer reviewed journals. He had been worked on developing new improved varieties of crop plants that are resistant to biotic and abiotic stress. He was developed transgenic Brassica juncea L. that showed enhanced sulphur uptake and can be grown profitably in the areas in India where sulphur deficiency are more prevalent. In addition to this, he standardised high efficiency regeneration protocol for cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L cv. HS6) which is very challenging because most of the previously established protocol are for only cocker variety that is no longer cultivated now. He had also done some pioneering experiments in establishing nanoparticle mediated plant transformation system. Currently he is working on silencing viral genes of Cotton leaf curl virus disease (CLCuVD).
Cotton leaf curl disease is a serious and complex disease of cotton causing enormous losses in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) production. Cotton leaf curl virus has become highly virulent due to its genetic recombination that overcomes virus resistance in conventionally developed resistant varieties of cotton. One possible way to overcome this disease is RNA silencing. We have attempted to apply miRNA approach for silencing viral genes. In the present study, we have predicted potential targets of cotton miRNAs against Cotton leaf curl virus genome. Two miRNAs, targeting AC1, AC2, AC4 and beta C1 genes of Cotton leaf curl virus, were selected for their expression in G. hirsutum. The hypocotyl explants of G. hirsutum were used for the transformation with Agrobacterium containing miRNA gene constructs. Transformed G. hirsutum plants were checked by molecular analysis for the presence of miRNA and these plants were challenged with the virus through B. tabaci vector. All the transgenic plants remained healthy and none of them showed any symptoms even in latter stage of growth.
Kavous Ayazpour
Islamic Azad University,Iran
Title: Full Sequencing of an isolate of Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus from Iran and study of its phylogenetic relationship

Kavous Ayazpour was born in 1971 in Jahrom, Iran. He earned a Bachlor of Science degree in plant protection in the University of Shiraz, in July 1997. He received his Master of Science degree from the Plant Pathology Department at the Science and Research Branch of Islamic Azad University in Tehran, Iran, in September 1999. He received his PhD degree from the department of Plant Pathology in University Putra Malaysia, in December 2011. He is currently a lecturer in Jahrom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom, Iran.
For full genome sequencing and determination of taxonomic position of tomato yellow leaf curl virus isolated from the Aabdan, Kangan and Asalooyeh of Boushehr province, 28 samples of tomato was collected from tomato farms of these regions in the winter of 1391. Using degenerate primers of begomoviruses (primer BC/ PCRV 181) a fragment (500bp) was amplified in Asalooyeh sample in polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Using the sequence of this fragment, a primer pair was designed (FarsC/FarsV) to achieve the full genome sequence of the virus. Using the combination of primers (FarsC/ PAL1V 1978) / (FarsV /TYLCV-[Ab] 1997C) complete sequence of the Asalooyeh virus was determined. Using Bioinformatics programs and the comparison of complete genome of the virus with other viruses in Gene bank the taxonomic position of Asalooyeh isolate was determined. This is a member of Omani group of tomato yellow leaf curl virus. Also according to the obtained dendrogeram and proximity of this isolates with Arad isolate of Larestan shows the possible movement of virus between border regions of Fars and Boushehr provinces.
- Viral Hepatitis
Session Introduction
Syed Amir Abbas Naqvi
The Muhammad Hospital,Pakistan
Time : 17:10 - 17:30

Dr. Naqvi completed his Felloship in Internal Medicine from CPSP, Pakistan in 1995 and got through MRCPI in 2007. He an active member of ACG, ACP, AACE and the Endocrine Society. He has served as Assistant Professor ond Chief of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Sargodha Medical College, UOS. He has a vast experience of treating HCV patients esp. Genotype 3.
Hepatitis C, a chronic, lifelong and life-threatening incurable disease has finally been transformed into a readily curable one. The treatment of hepatitis C has evolved over the years. Initially used IFN monotherapy. Subsequently, combination of ribavirin and IFN or PEG-IFN were used. For the first time, since its discovery in 1989, hepatitis C can be cured without ribavirin and pegylated interferon. PegIFN-based treatment regimens have well-documented adverse event (AE) profiles including influenza-like symptoms and depression, which have led to unfavorable discontinuation rates in clinical trials, and RBV also has associated side effects including teratogenicity, hemolytic anemia, and rash. PegIFN used to be too toxic for some patients to complete their treatment, had variable and low overall success rate and above all it was associated with a significant relapse rate.During the past 2 years, treatment regimens with new antiviral drugs have achieved sustained virologic response (SVR) rates of up to 90%-100%. These drugs will also benefit patients with severe fibrosis or cirrhosis by reducing disease progression, hepatic decompensation, and hepatocellular carcinoma. HCV NS5B polymerase inhibitor sofosbuvir has emerged as an important component of currently recommended regimens. Antiviral agents with different mechanisms of action are combined in order to increase efficacy and prevent resistance but for a more finite duration. We currently expect an overall low long-term relapse rate.
Gamal El Sawaf
Medical Research Institute Alexandria University,Egypt
Title: The Perpetual Challenge of Influenza Viruses and other Emerging Infectious Diseases in Egypt
Time : 17:30 - 17:50

Gamal El Sawaf born in Port Said, Egypt; 12 April 1955. He is a Professor of Microbiology and Immunology Medical Research Institute- Alexandria University - Egypt. He is a nationally recognized leader in infectious diseases. Dr. Sawaf graduated from the faculty of Medicine–Alexandria University in 1979. He got his Ph D in 1993 and his post doctor training course in the laboratory of infectious diseases (Cattedra Di Clinica Delle Malattie Infettive) University of Rome –Tor Vergata. He was rising through the academic ranks to Associate Professor in 1998 and to Professor in 2003. He was appointed the head of Microbiology Department in 2008 and the Director of the Medical Technology Center in 2010 and finally, the Dean of MRI in 2011 till the end of 2014. His main fields of research activities are in the clinical aspects pathogenesis and therapy of HCV, HIV and HHV-8 infection. Epidemiology and molecular characterization of Hepatitis viruses in Egypt. He has acted as a referee for a variety of national and international scientific journals and acted as a referee of research projects of the Alexandria University and of the STDF projects. He is a member of the American Society of Microbiology, The Egyptian Society of Microbiology and Egyptian Society of Immunologists. He is a project Leader of several research programmes on HCV, HHV and TB. His complete lists of publication are available upon request.
Emerging and re-emerging infections are very real and major problem that comprise a substantial fraction of all consequential human infections. In Egypt and elsewhere, emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases increasingly threaten public health and contribute substantially to the escalating costs of health care. There have been several outbreaks of emerging and re-emerging infections in Middle East including Egypt in recent years. They include avian influenza (H5N1), severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), pandemic H1N1 influenza, Dengue and Chikungunya viral infections, hand, foot and mouth disease due to Enterovirus 71, the most recent MER CoV, tuberculosis infection, infection with hepatitis C virus - now recognized as a leading cause of chronic liver disease and cirrhosis in Egypt, and health care infections due to multiply resistant organisms. The factors causing emergence and re-emergence are still not well understood and insufficient efforts have been made to meet this challenge. Both human activity and climatic changes appear to be key factors in the emergence and reemergence of infections in this area. Uncontrolled urbanization arising from mass rural-to-urban migration creates vast urban slums. Slum dwellings which are overcrowded, poorly ventilated, without proper potable water supplies or sewerage systems are often the foci of outbreaks of respiratory and waterborne infections. Despite extraordinary advances in development of countermeasures (diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines), the ease of world travel and increased global interdependence have added layers of complexity to containing these infectious diseases that affect not only the health but the economic stability of societies. Our country needs to put in place a comprehensive plan to meet the challenge of emerging diseases. A multidisciplinary approach is required and the strategies involved should not merely confined to medical and health strategies. Strategies should also include social and behavioral, economic and political solutions. Health-based strategies would include improving surveillance, early detection and control of the spread of infectious diseases and the formulation of rapid response plans at national, regional and global levels.
Taibah University, AlMadenah AlMonwara, KSA
Title: MERS the epidemic whirlwind
Time : 17:50 - 18:10

Dr. Ilham Qattan, Is an Assistant Professor Of Medical and Molecular Virology, Deputy director of the Medical laboratories and department, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences. A member of the board directors of the genetic and gene diseases centre, Head of Prince Mohammed bin Fahd Chair for Viral Hepatitis scientific Chair in Al Medina Al Monwara, also a Member of the American Association of the Liver Diseases and Member of the Editorial Board of the European Scientific Journal
Recent outbreak of MERS (Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome) in the Saudi Arabia started off as a simple case, when a patient who was experiencing respiratory complications was brought into a private Hospital in Jeddah and his condition was getting worse without any explanation, the doctors took a sample of the sputum and diagnosed the disease as one he had identified many times before. This case was different however (Assiri et al., 2013). The normal tests carried out did not give a positive for any of the known viruses as they should have had. The Novel coronavirus or as it has now been renamed to as MERS-CoV has been prevalent in much of the Middle East and Europe with the primary sites including the countries of Qatar, Jordan, the UAR and Saudi Arabia (Agnihothram et al., 2014). Secondary virus exposure has also been seen in UK, France, Italy, Tunisia and Germany and has been caused by some sort of human to human interaction. MERS is closely linked to bat coronaviruses seen in China (BtCoV-HKU4 and BtCoV-HKU5) and is related to it phylogenetically. The natural reservoir of the virus has not yet been identified, however, seeing how it is so closely related to bats, it can be seen as that could have emerged from bats and from their environment. It is thought that there has been some form of transmutation to the humans through domesticated pets and livestock; however, it still has to be proven by hard evidence (Reusken et al., 2013).
Jun-Wen Li
Institute of Health and Environmental Medicine,China
Title: Full length sequence analysis of Hepatitis E virus isolates: showing potential determinants of virus genotype and identity

Professor Jun-Wen Li, doctoral supervisor at institute of Health and Environmental Medicine, is the academic leader of environmental hygiene. His major interests are microorganisms detection technology in water and food, disinfection of drinking water and safety evaluation for recycle water. He was appointed as a visiting scholar to the Water Research Centre, University of New South Wales in the Australia (2006.9-2007.9) because of his outstanding work. His research has been supported by more than 20 foundation-programs. He has published more than 20 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of many journals.
Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is an important public health problem in the developing world. The complete genome sequence of a genotype 4 strain of HEV(CH-YT-HEV02) from a patient has been determined. Phylogenetic analysis showed that CH-YT-HEV02 belongs to genotype 4, subtype 4a. Judging from the phylogenetic tree based on the full-length nucleotide sequences of all 70 genotype 4 HEV isolates retrieved from GenBank, the CH-YT-HEV02 isolates could serve as an indigenous strain. A broader comparison of amino acid within the HVR of different HEV isolates showed that the variety of HEV strain involved in different amino acid sequence of HVR, so the HVR region can be served as the identity of a HEV strain. Moreover, there were some special amino acid substitutions in the HVR region of different HEV genotypes. These conserved amino acids may proved to be useful diagnostic indicator of genotype and species of origin. These results could shed light on that genotypes 1 and 2 strains are restricted to humans whereas genotypes 3 and 4 are zoonotic. In addition, Our data comparing all HEV genotypes identified two amino acid motifs within ORF2(80-83 aa) and ORF3 (66-73 aa), which may prove to be a useful diagnostic indicator of genotype of an isolate. The two amino acid motifs in ORF2 and ORF3 might serve as signatures of genotype diversity of HEV, and the results may facilitate to understand the classification and epidemiology of HEV isolates.
Kewal Krishan Maudar
Bhopal Memorial Hospital & Research Centre,India
Title: Impaired mitochondrial redox signaling leads to aberrant epigenetic regulation in occult hepatitis B & C infections

Brigadier (Dr.) K.K. Maudar, served in the Army as a General & Paediatric Surgeon and Reader in Surgery & Prof & Head of Surgery in Armed Forces Medical College Pune from 1965 to 2000.Post retirement he served Manipal Center of Medical Sciences Pokhra Nepal as Head of Surgery for two years and Director & Chief of G I Surgery Bhopal Memorial Hospital & Research Center Bhopal under Indian Council of Medical Research from October 2002 to Oct 2013.Brig. Maudar is an active member of Association of Surgeons of India ; Indian Association of Paediatric Surgeons ; Indian Association of Surgical Oncology ; Society of Surgery for Alimentary Tract – USA ; Europeans Society of Surgical Oncology ; European Society of Surgical Research and American Academy of Paediatrics.He is the recipient of the various prestigious academic awards and honours viz. Hariom Ashrma Parerit Rangachari Award by Association of Surgeons of India ; General Amir Chand Award and Air Marshal Ajitnath & Gurushanti Devi Award by Armed Forces Medical Research Committee. He is also the recipient of various prestigious orations viz. Colonel Pandalai Oration Association of Surgeons of India ; Radha Devi Oration – Indian Association of Surgical Oncology and Silver Jubliee Oration – Indian Association of Surgical Oncology. Brig. Maudar has published over 100 papers in National and International Journals of repute. He is the Post Graduate Examiner for various Universities in India in addition to National Board Examination and Intercollegiate Member Royal Colleges of Surgeons (IMRCS) U.K., the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow and the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, U.K. He has visited a number of Medical Centres in UK & USA as a Visiting Professor. He visited Vanderbilt Medical Centre, Nashville, USA for colorectal cancer research and MSKCC, New York for hepatobiliary and breast cancer research as a Fellow of Union Against Cancer (UICC) . In addition, he has special interest in surgical research in the field of splenic regeneration, endothelial, pancreatic acinar cell culture studies and genetics and epigenetic research in G I Oncology and Hepatology.
Occult viral hepatitis is a complex clinical entity and is often associated with increased risk of hepato-cellular carcinoma (HCC), one of the main causes of cancer-related deaths worldwide. It is believed that disruption of epigenetic machinery is a vital step towards developing HCC. Although, viral replication differentially affects host genomic integrity in the occult and active disease forms, probable consequence on mitochondrial redox mediated epigenetic regulation still remains to be elucidated. In our earlier studies we demonstrated that occult hepatitis elicits a PI3 kinase mediated DNA damage response. We further aimed to establish a molecular link between virus induced mitochondrial stress and redox mediated epigenetic regulation among occult hepatitis patients. To test this notion, we performed a comprehensive epigenetic analysis on host liver biopsies obtained from occult hepatitis B and C patients (n=10). Prior to biopsy blood samples were also obtained to analyze the levels of mitochondrial oxidative stress. The results observed herein suggested that in spite of low viral load both occult hepatitis B & C viral infections lead to impaired mitochondrial redox signaling and perturbed epigenetic machinery. Higher levels of 8-oxo-dG and reduced mtDNA copy number suggested functional disruption of mitochondrial assembly among occult HBV/HCV infected patients. While epigenetic perturbations in occult hepatitis patients were indicated by distorted histone patterns. We observed a dispersed lysine methylation patterns of monomethylated H4K20 (H4K20me3) and H3K9 (H3K9me1) histones, widely known to distinctly mark silent chromatin regions within the mammalian epigenome. Our study also reported that histone H3 and H2A other vital histone, often associated with chromatin condensation and regulation underwent significant modifications in the form of phosphorylation at Ser-10 (phospho-H3) and ubiquitination as uH2A, respectively. Taken together, our study provides novel insights of deregulated ‘histone code’ dynamics in occult hepatitis B/C patients that might play as an intermediate step for development and progression of HCC among these patients. It also showcases inextricable role of virus induced mitochondrial stress and epigenomic imbalance which may be helpful in identifying novel therapeutic targets for effective virus removal in occult states.
- Organ specific Cancer and Tumor virology
Session Introduction
Miguel Angel Mendoza Catalan
Autonomous University of Guerrero,Mexico
Title: E6 of HPV-16-variants induces invasive capacity of C-33A: Ezrin as regulator of this process
Time : 16:10 - 16:30

Dr. Miguel Angel Mendoza Catalan has completed his PhD in Biomedical Sciences at age of 29 years from University of Guerrero State, Mexico. He is a young researcher member of National System of Researchers, Mexico. Actually he is Researcher Professor in the University of Guerrero, expert in cell biology, assigned to the laboratory of Molecular Biomedicine at the school of Chemical and Biological Sciences. He has published one paper in reputed journals and two more in process about expression of proteins and mechanisms of cell motility and invasion of cervical and breast cancer cells.
The cervical cancer is the second cause of death from malignancy in women of reproductive age. The Human Papillomavirus high risk (HR-HPV) is the necessary biological factor for development of malignant lesions in the cervix, in collaboration with other factors. It has been reported that HPV-16 is the most frequent in the cases of cervical cancer, and that oncogenic risk may vary according to the genetic variants of virus. In women in southern Mexico, it has been observed that the most frequent variants in cases of cervical cancer are AAa, AAc, E-G350, E-C188/G350 and E-C176/G350. Some studies show that HPV 16 oncoproteins, E6 particularly, promote invasiveness of cervical tumor cells by overexpression of several matrix metalloproteinases, which are proteases responsible for degradation of extracellular matrix, which initiates and promotes the cell invasion process. In our laboratory, C33A cells expressing the E6 oncoprotein of HPV16 variants more frequent in Guerrero state were generated. Using RNA microarrays, we observed that expression of E6 in these cells affects the expression of several genes that, among other processes, are involved in adhesion, cell motility and signalling having a different effect for each variant of HPV16. We are evaluating the invasive capacity of cells expressing E6 for each HPV-16 variant and the mechanisms involved; participation of Ezrin, an invasivity regulator in other cancers, and the expression and activity of MMPs, as well as the Vimentin and E-cadherin expression, proteins involved in epithelial mesenchymal transition, which promotes the cell motility of tumor cells. Preliminary, we have observed that E6 HVP-16-AA induces major invasive capacity in comparison with the other variants and cells control, and this effect is Ezrin dependent. This research helps understanding of the mechanisms of invasion of cervical tumor cells induced by HPV E6 and the regulators of this process.
Maria Cristina Carlan da Silva
Universidade Federal do ABC, SP, Brazil

Dr. Silva has completed her PhD at Princeton University and postdoctoral studies from Mount Sinai School of Medicine and University of Texas Medical Branch. She is professor at UFABC, in São Paulo and works with the relationship between HCMV and cancer.
Gliomas are the most common brain tumors in adults and are divided into ependymomas, astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas, and mixed oligo-astrocytomas. Based on malignant tumor behavior, astrocytomas are divided in grade I, II, III and IV and oligodendrogliomas in grade II and III. The higher the grade, the worse the prognosis. One of the most controversial areas regarding brain tumors is the relationship between human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) and gliomas. Multiple studies showed the presence of viral nucleic acids and proteins in these tumors, and it has been demonstrated that several viral proteins have the potential to increase cell malignancy. Although the majority of the studies showed a positive association, there are still reports that fail to detect the HCMV in gliomas, and the presence of the virus is a topic of debate and an issue that needs to be resolved. We investigated the presence of HCMV DNA by qPCR in gliomas with different grades of malignancy from Brazilian patients. The UL83 viral region was detected in 4/7 (57%) Astrocytomas I, 9/11 (82%) Astrocytomas II, 7/8 (88%) Astrocytomas III, 6/10 (60%) Astrocytomas IV, 5/7 (71%) Oligodendrogliomas II and 4/7 (57%) Oligodendrogliomas III. In astrocytomas the HCMV DNA copy number correlates with tumor progression until grade III. However it decreases at level IV, possibly due the high levels of necrotic areas in the tissue. Our results confirm the presence of HCMV in gliomas and indicate that there is a correlation of virus presence and tumor progression, supporting further investigation of the virus’ oncomodulatory properties.
Masaaki Kawano
Saitama Medical University.Japan
Title: Medical application of a nanocapsule derived from a viral capsid protein
Time : 16:30 - 16:50

Masaaki Kawano has been engaged in the study of the in vitro assembly of simian virus 40 (SV40) virus-like particles (VLPs) composed of VP1 capsid for 10 years, from the beginning of his career. He has currently focused on the development of a novel vaccine carrier consisting of SV40 VP1 for cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL)-based vaccines against latent infection and cancer
Development of protein-based delivery-carriers for diagnosis and therapy has progressed by using viral capsid protein. Simian virus 40 (SV40) is a small non-enveloped DNA virus of polyomaviridae. The capsid structure of SV40 is 45 nm in diameter and is formed by 72 copies of pentamers composed of five VP1 major capsid proteins (360 molecules in total). When expressed in insect cells using recombinant baculovirus, VP1 is self-assembled into virus-like particles (VLPs) of 45 nm in diameter as the naturally assembled SV40 virus capsid. VLPs isolated from the cells are disassembled in vitro into VP1-pentamers by the addition of DTT and EGTA. These VP1-pentamers are self-reassembled in vitro into VLPs under appropriate conditions. In this reassembly, VLPs can encapsulate various materials such as DNA and proteins. It is also possible to modify VP1 for providing VLPs with the ability of targeting of specific cell. It was recently indicated that SV40 VLPs could be a promising vaccine platform. Thus, VP1 has a great potential for developing a variety of nanocapsule for medical application. In this presentation, we summarize our technology using SV40 VP1 for medical application and show an application of SV40 VP1 as an efficient vaccine nanocapsule. Indeed, vaccination of SV40 VP1 nanocapsule inserted HLA-A2 restricted cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitope of GILGFVFTL of influenza virus matrix protein 1 (M1) efficiently induced CTLs against M1 with fifty times more than classical incomplete freund’s adjuvant method.
Grace Pennap
Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Nigeria
Title: Prevalence of Hepatitis B and C Viruses Among Human Immunodefieciency Virus Infected Children in Northern Nigeria
Time : 16:50 - 17:10
Grace Pennap is a Microbiology Lecturer with Nasarawa State University Keffi. Her field of interest is Viral Epidemiology where she has 39 peer reviewed publications in reputed Scientific Journals and has contributed a chapter each in two text books.
Nigeria has the largest burden of children living with HIV in the world but because of antiretroviral therapy, they are living longer. However, hepatitis B and C viruses are emerging important co-morbidities to consider especially for management decisions. This study set out to determine the prevalence of hepatitis B and C viruses among these children and to identify possible risk factors associated with the infections. Two hundred HIV-infected children at an antiretroviral treatment center were screened for Hepatitis B and C seromarkers using rapid test kits (ABCON Laboratories Hangzhou China). Informed written consent was obtained from their parents/guardians. Information on their sociodemographics and exposure to some possible risk factors were obtained. A general prevalence of infection with hepatitis B and C virus in the study population was 14.0%. The prevalence of HBV was 3.0% while HCV was 11.0% and no child was coinfected with all 3 viruses. There was no statistically significant association between coinfection with either of the hepatitis viruses and the studied parameters (p>0.05). This does not down play the importance of the coinfection. The HIV/HBV and HIV/HCV coinfection prevalence of 3.0% and 11.0% respectively is a cause for alarm. It is therefore pertinent that HIV infected children are screened for these viruses before commencement of Antiretroviral therapy.
Ziauddin University, Karachi-Pakistan
Title: Association of High Risk Human Papilloma Virus Genotypes with Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma among Pakistani Patients

Dr Zil-e-Rubab is a medical doctor graduated from from King Edward Medical University. She has special interest in virology research. Currently she is associated with Ziauddin University, Karachi as Professor of Biochemistry. Currently, she is working on project related to human papilloma virus in oral cavity.
In Pakistan oropharyngeal cancer is the second leading malignancy attributed to the extensive use of smokeless tobacco products. In many studies, the high risk genotypes of HPV are proven to play a key role in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC).There is a considerable diversity in the epidemiology of high risk HPV genotypes in different countries. The objective of this study was to find out the association between high risk HPV genotype in oral rinse of patients with OSCC and pre malignant oral lesions. In this case-control study, 200 samples of oral rinse were analyzed by PCR. A significant association between HPV and OSCC was found (OR=3.14, 95% CI=1.6750-5.8969, P value=0.0004).There was positive association between presence of both HPV 16/18 and OSCC but it was not significant possibly due to small sample size (OR=3.2381, 95% CI=0.8208-12.7752, P value=0.0934). As a result of these findings, HPV and predominantly genotypes 16 and 18 may be associated with the development of OSCC in Pakistan.
Sita Awasthi
University of Pennsylvania,USA
Title: Immunogenicity evaluation of a subunit vaccine for genital herpes in Rhesus macaques.

Sita Awasthi has received her Ph.D in Biochemistry from Devi Ahilya University at Indore, India and her postdoctoral training from University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia. Currently she is a Research Assistant Professor at University of Pennsylvania, Pearlman School of Medicine, Infectious Disease Division. Her research interests are HSV-2 vaccine development against genital herpes disease and HSV-2 HIV-2 co-infections. She has published numerous research articles and serving as an editorial board member of Journals of antivirals and anti retrovirals, Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry.
About 500 million people are infected with Herpes Simplex Virus type 2 (HSV-2) worldwide. Genital HSV-2 infection is one of the major causes of genital ulcer disease and the risk of HIV-1 acquisition and transmission by 3-4 fold in humans. Efforts to prevent genital ulcer disease with acyclovir failed to reduce HIV-1 acquisition or transmission, supporting the need for an effective vaccine. We developed a trivalent gC2/gD2/gE2 (HSV-2 glycoprotein C, D and E) subunit vaccine that generates high levels of neutralizing antibodies, blocks HSV-2 immune evasion from complement, blocks IgG-Fc binding to the HSV-2 IgG Fc receptor, and is highly efficacious in preventing genital disease and viral shedding in guinea pigs. Here we present an immunogenicity evaluation of gC2/gD2/gE2 vaccine in macaques. Female macaques were immunized three times four weeks apart with 20ïg of each gC2, gD2, and gE2 glycoprotein or 20ïg gC2 alone with CpG and alum as adjuvants. After the third immunization, plasma analysis showed high titer antibody responses to each antigen, high titer neutralizing antibodies, and antibodies that blocked complement C3b binding to gC2 and IgG Fc binding to gE2. Six months after the third vaccination, the immune responses to each glycoprotein had declined 2-3 fold, but boosted within 2-weeks after a booster immunization administered at 9 months. Additionally we detected antigen specific antibody response in vaginal fluid. Importantly, analysis of PBMCs from macaques that were immunized with gC2 alone, showed a gC2 specific CD8 T cell response after 3 immunizations. In addition, antigen specific poly-functional CD4 T cell responses are induced in the trivalent vaccine group. Our results show that the trivalent gC2/gD2/gE2 subunit antigen vaccine generates highly potent immune responses in Rhesus macaques and may prove to be a promising genital herpes vaccine candidate for future trials in human.

Silvia Montaner is working as Associate Professor in Department of Oncology and Diagnostic Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA.
Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) is a vascular neoplasm caused by infection of endothelial or endothelial precursor cells with the Kaposi’s sarcoma associated herpesvirus (KSHV/HHV8). Research efforts have focused on defining the molecular events explaining how KSHV promotes pathological angiogenesis and KS tumor formation. mTOR/HIF-1 has been shown to be a fundamental pathway driving these processes through the upregulation of angiogenic and inflammatory genes, including VEGF, ANGPTL4, and ANGPT2. Interestingly, HIF-1 has also been implicated in the upregulation of metabolic genes associated with aerobic glycolysis and the growth of solid tumors. However, whether HIF-1 plays a role in regulating cell metabolism in KS remains unexplored. Here, we show that the HIF-1 metabolic effector, pyruvate kinase 2 (PKM2), is upregulated upon KSHV infection of endothelial cells and is necessary to maintain aerobic glycolysis in infected cells. We further demonstrate that PKM2 regulates KS angiogenic phenotype by acting as a coactivator of HIF-1 and increasing the levels of HIF-1 angiogenic factors, including VEGF. Indeed, inhibition of PKM2 expression blocked endothelial cell migration and differentiation of KSHV-infected cells. We also investigated whether PKM2 regulates the angiogenic dysregulation induced by the KSHV-encoded G protein-coupled receptor (vGPCR), a viral oncogene that promotes Kaposi’s sarcomagenesis through the upregulation of HIF angiogenic factors. Interestingly, we found that PKM2 controls vGPCR-induced VEGF paracrine secretion and vGPCR oncogenesis in vivo. Our findings provide a molecular mechanism for how HIF-1 dysregulation in KS fuels both angiogenesis and tumor metabolism and support further investigations on therapeutic approaches for KS targeting HIF-1 and PKM2.