Elsayed Hafez
City of Scientific Research and Technology Applications,Egypt
Title: Two isolates of potatovirus Y(PVY) infected potato and their impact on potato production in Egypt
Biography: Elsayed Hafez
Potato virus Y(PVY) is an important virus that infectssolanaceous crops in Egypt. The virus belongs to the genus Potyvirus, family Potyviridae. To examine the presence and distribution of the virus, sempatomology samples were collected from different governrate in Egypt. Virus dteremination was performed on the collected plant samples using ELISA. Moreover, sap of ELISA positive samples was used for mechanical transmissionon different nicotiana plant hosts and the viral symptoms appeared as mild mosaic onNicotianatabacum cv. Samsun and mosaic and leaf deformation onN. whiteburley, but it appeared as vein clearing and mosaic onN. glutinosa.Theviralcoat protein gene (PVY-CP) was amplified using RT-PCR and band of ~900bp size was observed.Sequenceand the sequence analysisof the nucleotides of PVY-CP showed a high similarity with the other PVY coat proteingenes. The CP gene of Borg El-Arab is closely related to CP France isolate with similarity 95%. Whenever, the coat protein isolated from Kafr El-Zayatsampleswas closely related to PVY-CP Germany isolate with identity 90 %. To differentiate between the two expected PVY isolates, sequence alignment and RFLP using three different restriction enzymes and results confirm that Egypt have at least to isolates from PVY. Plant-viral interaction was examined on three potato cultivars (Spunta, Cara and Diamont) when inoculated with the partial purified PVY particles. The Real Time PCR results revealed that the expression of the viral coat protein was highin Spuntaculivarwhen compared with the other two cultivars.