Márcia Rogéria Almeida
Federal University of Viçosa,Brasil
Title: A phylogeographical approach for determining the epidemiology of Porcine circovirus-2 (PCV-2), considering global trading.
Biography: Márcia Rogéria Almeida
In Brazil, our research group has focused on epidemiology and control of Porcine circovirus-2(PCV-2). Porcine circovirus-2 is an emerging virusassociated with a number of different syndromes in pigs known as Porcine Circovirus Associated Diseases (PCVAD). Since its identification and characterization in the early 1990s, PCV-2 has achieved a worldwide distribution, becoming endemic in most pig-producing countries, and is currently considered as the main cause of losses on pig farms. Our research group has analyzed the main routes of the spread of PCV-2 between pig-producing countries using phylogenetic and phylogeographical approaches. Our approaches consists on analyze all information about PCV-2 sequences available in GenBank, including papers published on viral isolation, and live pig trading statistics available on the UN Comtrade database (http://comtrade.un.org/). We have found a strong correlation between the means of PCV-2 dispersal predicted by phylogenetic analyzes and the statistics on the international trading of live pigs. Recently, we present the first description of PCV2d genotype in Brazil associated to a PCVAD outbreak. Our researches has contributed to a better understand the origins of PCV-2 in Brazil and its dispersal around the world.