M. Bahanur Rahman
Bangladesh Agricultural University,Bangladesh.
Title: Seroprevalence and RT-PCR Based Detection of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus from Selected Areas of Bangladesh
Biography: M. Bahanur Rahman
Present study was undertaken to find out seroprevalence of avian influenza virus with molecular detection of this virus circulating in chicken and duck of selected areas in Bangladesh. For these purpose, a total of 360 swab samples (cloacal and oropharyngeal) and 360 serum samples were collected from Rajshahi, Netrokona, Sherpur, Kishoregonj. All samples were subjected to slide HA test and 60 (16.67%) samples found positive. Out of 60 HA positive samples, 45 samples were from Chicken (broiler 15%, layer 31.67%, backyard chicken 28.33%) and 15 (8.33%) from duck. By using AIV Ag detection Rapid Test Kit (RTK) test, all 360 collected swab samples were tested and 43 (11.95%) samples from chicken and duck were fund AIV positive. Among these RTK positive samples, 31samples were (broiler 8.33%, layer 23.33%, backyard chicken 20.0%) from chicken and 12 (6.67%) from Duck. Genus specific M gene possessed in 24 (6.67%) samples, among these 14 (3.89%) isolates possessed HA and NA gene (H5N1) using H5 and N1 specific primer. The HPAIV (H5N1) isolated from 11 chicken samples (broiler 1.67%, layer 10%, backyard chicken 6.67%) and 3 (1.67%) duck samples. Of 360 sera samples, 116 (32.22%) were found positive for avian influenza virus Ab in ELISA. Among them, 16 from chicken (broiler 5%, layer 13.33%, backyard chicken 8.33%) and 100 (55.55%) from duck. Data from this study revealed that, Netrokona district was found more vulnerable to HPAI, (RTK positive 24.44%, HA positive 32.22%, RT-PCR assay M gene positive 17.77%, H5N1 positive 10% and 48.88% sera were Ab positive in ELISA). From this study it is also revealed that HPAI virus spreads rapidly in winter season in comparison to other period of the year. From this study it could be concluded that ducks may act as a carrier of pathogenic AIV in Bangladesh.