Patrone Rebecca Risenga
University of South Africa
Title: Can Moringa make a difference in patients who are HIV positive in Limpopo Province, South Africa? Patient’s perspectives
Biography: Patrone Rebecca Risenga
Introduction The World Health Organization estimates that 80% of the world’s population complements conventional therapy with traditional folk medicinal therapies in some aspect of their health care and the most popular of these are herbal therapies (WHO 2008) In Africa, a wide range of traditional herbal medicines are used as part of therapy by the majority of HIV positive people (Ozsoy & Ernst 1999). Moringa leaf contains all amino acids (including the essential ones) vitamin A B C D complex, K, macro and micro mineral elements including selenium and zinc among others and this is one of the herbs used by patients who are HIV positive. Methodology Purpose of this study is to describe the perceptions of patients on Moringa regarding their health. A cross-sectional, explorative, descriptive research design was applied. The sampling frame was all HIV-infected adults presenting to the clinic with opportunistic infection in one of the clinics in Capricorn district Limpopo Province. Participants had to be already enrolled in the national antiretroviral program. Participants were selected as a convenience sample of patients who came to the clinic during July to October 2014 on one afternoon a week. ï¶ Data analysis was done by categorizing, ordering, and summarizing the data, and describing the findings. Findings - Moringa was seen as a best booster amongst patients who are HIV positive in relation to opportunistic infections - Effect of Moringa in CD4 cell count - Moringa and drug interactions Conclusion Moringa was seen as a herb with a huge impact on HIV and many patients are using it on daily basis