Leila Mirzaei
Health Research Institute, Iran
Title: Elimination of olive’s viruses by electrotherapy
Biography: Leila Mirzaei
Viruses are particularly problematic in vegetatively propagated trees in which they are transmitted from generation to generation. Olive species are affected by many viruses which cause significant economic losses, thus virus-free planting material is essential for its sustainable production. This study has been carried out to eliminate the Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV), Cherry Leaf Roll Virus (CLRV), Strawberry Latent Ring Spot Virus (SLRV) and Arabis Mosaic Virus (AMV) infection level in some olive cultivars. Four mentioned viruses have been reported as Iranian olives pathogen. First of all, DAS ELISA analysis was performed to recognize virus free and infected trees. Leaves of explants were cut off and from each tree, three nodes were cut for the control (untreated by electrotherapy). Commercial and landrace olives have been tested by electrotherapy using a horizontal electrophoresis apparatus in TBE buffer (90 mM Tris-borate, 2 mM EDTA, pH 8) exposing to either 50, 100 and 150 miliampers (mA) for 5, 10 or 20 minutes followed by immediate sterilization in 2.5% (w/v) of sodium hypochlorite for five minutes and were then washed again with sterilized water for 10 minutes. Then the axillary buds tip were planted in specific olive media. After two months, generated plantlets were tested by RT-PCR or ELISA for the presence of viruses. There is a positive relation between electric current and virus eradication in explants. In the exposure time of control explants regeneration rates were 100%, while for the explants that have been exposed to electric current around the half of explants survived.