Oksana F Blotska
University of Ukraine, Ukraine
Title: Emerging and re-emerging diseases: African swine fever in Ukraine
Biography: Oksana F Blotska
In accordance with OIE classification, African swine fever (ASF) is attributed to especially dangerous diseases. ASF is caused by highly pathogenic DNA virus, which provokes severe economic losses and expansion threats. No specific protection or vaccine against ASF is available. Currently, 22 genotypes of African swine fever virus (ASFV) were registered. The first case of ASF in Ukraine was registered in 1977 year in Odeska region, where all pig population was destroyed not only in the outbreak of the disease, but also in the 30-kilometer zone. Later in 2012, it was next case in domestic swine in the Zaporozhye region. Ukraine reacted in time to detect the disease, and the virus did not spread. But unfortunately in 2014 year 16 cases of ASF: 12 incidents in wild boars and 4 cases in domestic pigs were fixed. Since the beginning of 2015 in Ukraine, detected 39 points disadvantaged in relation to ASF: 5 incidents in wild boars and 34 cases in domestic pigs. In 2016, 5 cases of ASF: 2 incidents in wild boars and 3 cases in domestic pigs was revealed. The situation with regard to wild and domestic pigs changed in 2015-2016. Sequencing of three independent areas of the genome of ASFV, that were discovered in Ukraine showed, that the isolates was 100% homologous with isolates that caused the outbreaks in Eastern Europe, starting with the entry of the virus in Georgia in 2007. That made it possible to include the virus strain that caused the disease of ASF in Ukraine to genotype II. Course of the disease of ASF at pigs in Ukraine is the incubation period duration of 2-6 days. For II genotype of ASF as a rule only acute form for 3-7 days. Scientists of our institute developed, tested and registered, in the established order, the test kit for the diagnosis of ASF for molecular genetic techniques. However, ASF problem is that it’s not just a question of the security of Ukraine, but also the European Union as a whole. These things should be done in our opinion on the national and international level in order to control the situation regarding to ASF: Acquire the most new knowledge by monitoring the spread of the ASF in the world; carry out risk analysis; expand bank of diagnostic material; and control the number of wild boars per 1 sq.km