Aviv Dombrovsky
Agricultural Research Organization (ARO), Israel
Title: Aspects in Tobamovirus management
Biography: Aviv Dombrovsky
In the recent decade, a new outbreak of old and new Tobamovirus occurred worldwide. The disease caused by the cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV) in cucurbits melon watermelon and cucumber was reported in Israel, North-Europe, Canada, USA, Australia and the Far-east. Recently, the Tobamovirus tomato mottle mosaic virus (ToMMV) was discovered in tomato grown in Central America. In the Middle East; in Jordan and Israel, a new Tobamovirus isolate infects tomato plants harboring Tm-22 resistance genes putatively named tomato brown rugose fruit virus (TBRFV). The epidemiology and strategies for the Tobamovirus management were studied and developed in our national initiative project for CGMMV coordinated by our lab. Growers in large-scale fields adopted the outcome of this extensive study. The experience with CGMMV management was rapidly applied also for the new Tobamovirus disease management in tomatoes grown trellised in protected structures (greenhouses, walk-in tunnels, etc.).